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Rick-Trust prepares the reporting using XBRL Engine from Diasoft

Customers: IR Rick-trust

Contractors: Diasoft
Product: Diasoft XBRL Engine

Project date: 2018/01  - 2018/12

2020: Results of use of XBRL Engine from Diasoft

The Rick-Trust investment company prepares the reporting using the solution of Diasoft – XBRL Engine. On November 12, 2020 the Diasoft company reported about it.

Specialists of Rick-Trust company estimated advantages of the solution XBRL Engine of Diasoft and from April, 2018 to November, 2020 hand over the reporting, using the intuitive interface for work with reporting albums, a possibility of fast loading of initial data and also the multistep high level of technical validation and quality control of the errors given for the purpose of warning on each of stages of their processing.

The solution of Diasoft date-centrichny provides approach to work with data according to taxonomy of XBRL and allows to configure loading process and quality checks of data flexibly. This web and server centralized multi-user solution easily interacts with any sources of information, has the checked fault tolerance, reliability and scalability.

We managed to be convinced of examination of specialists of Diasoft and technological effectiveness of the software product of the company. Experience showed: the solution XBRL Engine is convenient in every respect. Visualization, a possibility of unloading and viewing Excel file created for placement on the website according to regulations, for example, is important for us. The solution provides measure calculation and their validation with indication of errors which can be not noticed in time, – Marina Matveeva, the vice president/controller of Rick-Trust company emphasizes. – current versions of taxonomy and the instruction of the Bank of Russia involve change of formats of the reporting. Diasoft always quickly provides data for updating of these formats and the latests version of the product. As a result our company successfully hands over the XBRL reporting.

Our product packed into a Docker-container independently downloads freely extended by software and, following our instructions, sets and configures it on the server without the assistance of the developer, – Sergey Mathias, the head of the product XBRL Engine of Diasoft company says.

The open license on use of standard functionality of XBRL Engine allows the organizations quickly and without involvement of specialists to set the solution and to ensure one-time functioning at once of several users. Clients of Diasoft can be registered and receive the standard version of functionality of XBRL Engine packed into a Docker-container. Such candidate solution provides a full stroke of formation of a final XBRL packet of the reporting ready for delivery in a personal account of the Bank of Russia according to the current taxonomy.

The product XBRL Engine dynamically develops, its expanded version receives the additional functionality ensuring functioning with irregular report forms and large volumes of data. Extremely demanded by customers, the option of a product allows to compare reporting sets that is very important for its formation on the basis of qualitative data, – Sergey Mathias emphasizes.

For November, 2020 the Diasoft company participates in a certification process of the XBRL Engine software product according to jurisdiction of the Bank of Russia and requirements of the Unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases.