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NPO IT: The saved drive SZI-2

Developers: Scientific and production association of the measuring equipment (NPO IT)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/12/07
Technology: Cybersecurity - Backup and data storage,  DWH

Main articles:

2020: Tests of the saved drive of information SZI-2

Specialists of Russian Space Systems holding (RKS, is included into Roskosmos State corporation) tested the first pilot saved drive of information SZI-2 for the reusable piloted Oryol spaceship. Reported about it to RKS on December 7, 2020.

The device performs the function similar to a black box in aircraft, and provides registration and reliable preserving of the technical information, accounting of physiological parameters of astronauts and also record of negotiations onboard the Russian ship. Is until the end of the year planned to make the first full-fledged sample for installation on the ship.

The saved drive SZI-2 is a small device for placement under a chair of the pilot of the ship. The device will consist of two information acquisition units and one saved drive in the body protected from blows and high temperatures. The device during all flight will keep record of the technical information, physiological parameters of crew and audioinformation onboard. Information acquisition units will continuously conduct program survey of the sensors placed by the ship and to save collected information in the protected saved drive. Possibilities of the digital equipment allow to collect, to register and save information arriving from the datchiko-reformative equipment with a speed up to 256 KB/ss.

The chief designer on measurements of JSC Scientific and Production Association of the Measuring Equipment (NPO IT, is included into RKS holding) Evgeny Brodin:

We made a prototype on which preliminary tests are carried already out. Together with JSC Letno-issledovatelsky institut imeni M. M. Gromova reset of the device of the drive from the helicopter from big height by a special technique was carried out. For assessment of resistance to shock influence the speed of a meeting with the earth was about 100 m/s., the device coped with this loading. For December, 2020 production of the first deliverable sample comes to an end. In total it is going to make ten such systems.


Unlike the previous version of SZI-M which is established on the Union MS ships in SZI-2 the volume of the drive is increased from 4 to 96 GB. At the same time due to use of modern materials the weight of the drive was lost from 9.5 to 7.2 kg. The device is capable to bear blow about the earth with a speed up to 150 m/s and not to melt within 30 minutes at a temperature up to 700 °C.

By the Oryol spaceship the SpaceWire interface will be used, through it acceptance of an audio-and video information from the onboard system of video control, a telemetric system and also information exchange with an onboard radiotelemetric system will be performed. Devices of a system are connected among themselves using the Ethernet interface with data transfer rate of 100 Mbps which ensures functioning with the increased information volume. Thanks to it developers managed to raise significantly possibilities of the new device on data collection and processing. The device can accept and process a data stream with a speed up to 35 Mbps – it is seventeen times higher, than in the SZI-M system.

SZI-2 is executed of domestic electronic components. This system is expected repeated application. After landing of the ship and processing of read information of SZI-2 will go for carrying out postflight maintenance and preparation for repeated operation. The quantity of cycles of rewriting of SZI-2 will be not less than 100 thousand, and each set of a system can visit space up to 10 times.
