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Sber and Kuka: Method of calculation of efficiency of application of autonomous systems of manipulation

Developers: Laboratory of robotics of Sberbank Robotics Laboratory, KUKA Robotics
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/12/25
Technology: IT outsourcing

Main article: Robots (robotics)

2020: Presentation of a method of calculation of efficiency of application of autonomous systems of manipulation

KUKA and Laboratory of robotics Sber presented a method of calculation of efficiency of application of autonomous systems of manipulation. Sber reported about it on December 25, 2020.

Sber's specialists described the principles and approaches to measurement of efficiency of application of the autonomous robotic systems in comparison with manual work of the person. Representatives of KUKA analyzed the offered technique and estimated its applicability concerning the current and future projects of automation using the systems of off-line control with the equipment of KUKA.

We try to shift the accumulated experience and knowledge in creation of convenient instruments of development of various sectors of the economy. The techniques implemented by us will help our partners and clients to avoid errors and to make the weighed decision upon transition to digital technologies — Stanislav Kuznetsov, the vice chairman of the board of Sberbank.


Standards in the field of robotization exist for a long time, but with development of computing means robots purchase the increasing autonomy, it sets thinking and look in a new way at problems of automation. Where earlier manual work was applied for the lack of alternatives, implementation of modern robots became even more often admissible.

Such benchmark will be useful to performing diagnostics of business cases. It will be appreciated by industry members and the system integrators which are engaged in building of robotic productions. It will allow to define quicker standard conditions under which it is more profitable to pass to robotization, and to us as to equipment manufacturers — more precisely to understand requests of our clients — Dmitry Kapishnikov, the CEO of KUKA Russia


Earlier the Laboratory of robotics Sber and KUKA signed the agreement on strategic partnership. Within the agreement of the company are going to create joint robotic solutions for the different production directions.