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The author of a cycle of books "Secret City" (city fantasy), Enclaves (cyberpunk) and "La Mystique De Moscou" (a city fantasy), Germetikon (stimpank + fantasy there is a little).

Vadim Panov was born in 1972 in "classical family of a military sample". Often changed the residence and schools. In 1983 the Panova's family moved to Moscow where Vadim, having graduated from school, in 1989 entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), on faculty of radio electronics of aircraft (FRELA). During study he actively took part in activity of student's theater "Zerkalo" where in 1994 according to its play the performance "Such Games" was delivered. In 1995 Panov graduated from MAI with the diploma of the radio engineer.

Literary activity of Panov began in 2001 when the "fantasy and city" novel "Wars was published there begin losers", laid the foundation for the cycle "Secret City", the writer at that time was 29 years old. According to the Panov:

I liked to write books, I am glad that my stories are interesting to many people, and therefore after Secret City there were Enclaves and the collection La Mystique De Moscou, a mystical series which I very much want to continue.

Vadim Panov in addition to creativity is engaged in business.

In January, 2021 Vadim Panov in an interview of TAdviser told that he thinks of development of technologies and other spheres of our life.


Panov is a father of two daughters. The writer's spouse, Natalya, the first and the most "severe critic" of all his works[1].
