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MegaFon combined billing of 8 branches on a single BSS platform

Customers: MegaFon

Moscow; Telecommunications and Communications

Product: Nexign Digital BSS (Peter-Service BIS)

Project date: 2009/09  - 2021/02

2021: Merger of 8 MegaFon branches on a single BSS platform

The Nexign company (enters into ICKX Holding), the supplier of systems of support of business (Business Support System) and decisions of the Internet of things (Internet of Things), and the MegaFon company, the operator of digital opportunities, finished the project of association of billing of all 8 branches of Megafon on the uniform BSS platform and migration on other Wednesday of all segments of a subscriber base of the operator. Nexign announced this on March 17, 2021.

The need to go beyond classic telecom services prompted MegaFon to transform the billing core and create a single billing system. Among the strategic goals of the project were to reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) by 20-30%, as well as centralize and accelerate the process of launching products.

The project started in 2015. The BSS platform was created and implemented by the combined team of Nexign and MegaFon. During the project, 7 billing systems used in MegaFon were replaced with a single solution.

The migration of subscribers to the platform was carried out in stages, in parallel with the operation of outdated billing solutions before their complete replacement. Thanks to the joint efforts of the two companies, the migration of subscribers went unnoticed for customers, and the migration of the B2X segment took into account the specifics and mode of operation of individual organizations.

The results of the project were:

  • Unify processes across all branches
  • transition from a regional to a single common service of exploitation and, as a result, increasing its efficiency;
  • Equalization of the product portfolio at all branches of the operator while maintaining flexibility in regional pricing policy;
  • Create unified contact centers with the same service KPIs and standard call routes
  • improving service quality of subscribers in regions where the operator works;
  • Reduce from 2 to 5 times the time to market (TTM) for different product categories.

In addition to the introduction of a single billing, a number of related projects were implemented.

  • Integrate FastTrack methodology to automate the implementation of updates. As a result, the team in charge of it began to spend no more than two weeks on small changes to the core of the system - a process that previously took up to a year.
  • Create a microservice factory. The goal of the project is to accelerate the formation of a partner ecosystem. With this tool, MegaFon has already launched more than 100 business projects.
  • Implementation of the product catalogue, which acts as a single point of creation and modification of MegaFon's products and services. The product catalog has a three-level structure. Two levels have already been put into operation, and work on the third, which will ensure quick integration with partners and channels, will be completed in 2021.

2015: Billing Transformation

In January 2015, the general meeting of shareholders of MegaFon approved the conclusion of a five-year agreement with Peter-Service, under which the latter should provide the operator with non-exclusive rights to use the software and technical support in order to modernize the billing architecture into a single solution for subscribers of all branches and its continuous development. In March, the companies signed a corresponding agreement.

As part of this contract, Peter-Service is implementing a project to transform the MegaFon billing system and create a single billing using a new solution architecture.

The total amount of MegaFon's expenses under the agreement on the provision of non-exclusive rights to use software and technical support with Peter-Service will be within 22 billion rubles by the end of 2019.

2013: Continuation of contract

The company will extend the annual contract for equipment and software for organizing billing with Peter-Service - such a decision was made at an extraordinary meeting of MegaFon shareholders, the operator's press service said on February 12, 2013.

According to this agreement, Peter-Service will provide MegaFon with non-exclusive rights to use the software and technical support.


According to analysts, MegaFon's decision as a whole looks logical and quite expected. Peter-Service is one of the largest specialized and most competent market players, a long-time partner of MegaFon, also controlled by a common shareholder. The amount of the contract, taking into account the size of the business as a whole, quite corresponds to the market level, experts say, but its size was not announced.

2010: Implementation of billing system

The implementation of the Peter-Service BIS billing system developed by Peter-Service in the infrastructure of OJSC MegaFon  was carried out in 2005 in order to provide the entire set of functions related to the current service of subscribers.

Choice of Solution and Contractor

The implementation of the billing system was entrusted to Peter-Service, which is the largest developer of billing solutions in Russia and collaborates with all the Big Three mobile operators and other organizations working in the communications industry.

Implementation Effect

The high professionalism of the company's developers Peter Service made it possible to put the system into operation and adapt it to the needs of companies in a very short time. roaming The TAR3 support system helped quickly provide subscribers with the opportunity MegaFon to use the most extensive roaming geography, and the flexible tariff system and the ability to quickly configure the billing system made it possible to implement a dynamic marketing policy.

The implemented system provides the entire set of functions related to the current service of subscribers, including controlling the balance of the personal account, working with payments, conditional lending, forming monthly and extraordinary consolidated accounts and controlling their delivery, changing the set of services and conducting promotions.
