Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Gulevich Maxims Vladimirovich
Gulevich Maxims Vladimirovich


Born in 1972

In 1994 he graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, mathematician, specialization: mathematics, applied mathematics.

1994: RNKB Bank

Since 1994 - specialist of the securities operations division of the Russian National Commercial Bank.

1995: "Autobank"

Since 1995 - specialist of the division for operations with securities "Autobank" (license cancelled in 2005).

1996: Republic National Bank of New York

Since 1996 - fixed-income securities trader Republic National Bank of New York.

2000: HSBC

Since 2000 - Head of Securities, Head of Treasury of HSBC.

2004: "Yu Bi Es Securities"

From 14.04.2004 to 21.11.2014, he worked at Yu Bi Es Securities CJSC (from 2006 - Yu Bi Es Bank).

Since 14.04.2004 - Securities Manager.

Since 01.04.2009 - Head of Equity Trading of First Tier Issuers.

2012: General Director of Yu Bi Es Bank

Since 02.07.2012 - General Director of Yu Bi Es Bank LLC.

Since 24.11.2014 - Head of the Financial Markets Department, Head of the Stock Management Department of Yu Bi Es Bank LLC.

Since 17.03.2015 - Member of the Management Board.

2017: Deputy. Chairman of the Board of Yu Bi Es Bank

Since 20.09.2017 - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Yu Bi Es Bank LLC.