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Russian National Commercial Bank RNKB



Net Profit millions Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Performance indicators

2022: Increase in profit to RUB 9.08 bln

In 2022, the net profit of the Russian National Commercial Bank (RNKB) amounted to 9.08 billion rubles, which is significantly higher than the profit a year ago at 6.44 billion rubles. This is stated in the materials that the largest bank in Crimea published in March 2023.

As Kommersant writes with reference to the RNKB reports under RAS, the bank's net interest income in 2022 increased by 5.6 billion rubles, to almost 25 billion rubles. However, due to a large-scale increase in provisions for possible losses for credit losses on loans, as well as funds placed in correspondent accounts, and other positions by a total of 25.5 billion rubles (an increase of 2.4 times compared to 2021), the bank received a net interest loss of 526 million rubles.

The bank received a net interest loss of 526 million rubles

Commission income increased by 1.3 billion rubles, to 12.3 billion rubles The Bank also reflected the accrual of provisions for "other losses" in the amount of 8.9 billion rubles, while last year 20.6 million rubles of reserves were dissolved on them. At the same time, the bank remained in profit, earning over 9 billion rubles and increasing it by almost 41%. The capital adequacy ratio (N1.0) increased over the year to 19.59% (+ 1.9 percentage points).

Net loan debt increased from 274.2 billion to 303.7 billion rubles, and client funds - from 243.3 billion to 269.8 billion rubles. Deposits of the population and individual entrepreneurs account for 184.8 billion rubles. The bank's capital grew from 65.5 billion to 81.69 billion rubles. The market value of the RNKB as of September 30, 2022, according to an independent appraiser, amounted to 48.4 billion rubles.

In 2022, RNKB signed deals on project financing of facilities for 50 billion rubles. The total area of ​ ​ the facilities exceeded 800 thousand square meters. m, according to the press service of the financial organization. As a result, the volume of project financing of the bank increased by more than 60% compared to the previous year[1]


2024: Growth of cash turnover of VTB, Otkritie and RNKB combined ATM network by 3 times

The cash turnover of the combined ATM network VTB, Otkritie and RNKB has grown 3 times. Otkritie reported this on February 9, 2024. Read more here.


Consolidation of VTB, Otkritie and RNKB ATM networks

From February 7, 2023, customers of VTB, Otkritie and RNKB will be able to deposit and withdraw cash from ATMs of all three credit institutions without commission. The creation of a single fleet of self-service devices will be the first stage in the integration of new banks into VTB Group and will bring the number of available ATMs for customers to almost 20 thousand. Read more here.

Increase in the authorized capital by 7.1 billion rubles

The Russian National Commercial Bank (RNKB) has been capitalized by 7.1 billion. rubles On February 6, 2023, he drew attention to this, Interfax"" referring to the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL). It follows from it that the authorized capital of the largest bank Crimea grew to 52.3 billion rubles from 45.2 billion rubles.

All budgetary and corporate measures to recapitalize the RNKB have been successfully completed. The increase in the authorized capital is aimed at developing business and increasing the volume of financing the economy, - commented on TASS in the press service of the RNKB.

The largest bank of Crimea RNKB capitalized by 7.1 billion rubles

The agency recalls that the RNKB is a system-forming bank of the Republic of Crimea with 100% state participation, one of the largest regional banks in the Southern Federal District. RNKB serves more than 2.2 million individuals and about 109 thousand corporate clients. The bank is in 31st place in terms of assets among Russian credit institutions (by the beginning of February 2023).

Back at the end of October 2022, the head of VTBANDRAY Kostin said that the Crimean bank before joining VTB Group would be capitalized in the amount of about 7 billion rubles. Kostin at the same time clarified that they plan to close the deal to join the RNKB in the first quarter of 2023.

The configuration of the transaction implies that the legal entity of the RNKB will remain, but in addition to VTB Bank itself, all its subsidiaries will receive. The recapitalization of the RNKB is carried out regularly, Anna Timershina, a leading expert of the department of audit and consulting services to FBK financial institutions, noted in a conversation with Vedomosti: this is due to an increase in lending volumes, which, in turn, allows accelerating the development of the Crimean economy. Therefore, the next contribution may be associated with the need to increase lending, she believes.[2]

2022: Plan to join VTB

In October 2022, it was announced that the Russian Government would contribute 100% of the shares of the Russian National Commercial Bank, which has a large network of branches in Crimea, as a contribution to VTB capital. Thus, the RNKB will be merged with VTB.

2021: Rise in bad debt on loans to private companies to 26%

At the beginning of October 2021, the share of bad debts in the portfolio of loans to private companies of the RNKB reached 26.2%, although at the beginning of the year it was 10.2%. This is the highest among the top 30 banks. A sharp increase in overdue debt on loans to legal entities from the RNKB was observed in August - by 86.4%, to more than 34 billion rubles. In September, the quality of the RNKB portfolio continued to deteriorate. The growth of overdue debt increased to 34.5 billion rubles.


Additional capitalization in the amount of 7.5 billion rubles

On December 24, 2020, the backbone bank of Crimea (the largest on the peninsula) - the Russian National Commercial Bank (RNKB) - announced its additional capitalization in the amount of 7.5 billion rubles. The credit institution has completed the placement of an additional issue in favor of its sole shareholder - the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo).

According to Interfax with reference to the materials published by the RNKB, the placement of securities ended on December 24, 2020. The Board of Directors approved the decision on the additional issue of shares in early December 2020. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation registered an additional issue of RNKB shares, the additional issue was assigned registration number 10101354B007D.

Additional capitalization of RNKB in the amount of 7.5 billion rubles

The bank placed 750 million shares with a par value and an offering price of 10 rubles. The securities were placed by private subscription in favor of the shareholder of the RNKB. The non-cash procedure in rubles was chosen as the form of payment for the placed shares.

By the end of 2020, RNKB serves more than 2.2 million individuals and about 85 thousand corporate clients. By March 2020, the authorized capital of the bank was measured at 37 billion 650 million 972.38 thousand rubles. The US authorities placed this credit institution on the sanctions list.

At the end of November 2020, the Federal Property Management Agency approved an increase in the authorized capital of the bank by almost 20% due to an additional issue of 7.5 billion rubles - up to 45 billion 150 million 972 thousand 380 rubles.

In February 2020, the president Russia Vladimir Putin instructed the government to prepare proposals for long-term funding and additional capitalization of the largest bank in Crimea. It was also reported that the Ministry of Finance of Russia in 2020 allocated 7.5 billion rubles from the government reserve fund to contribute these funds to the authorized capital of the RNKB.

Additional capitalization will contribute to an increase in the volume of financing for developers and mortgage lending, as well as an increase in the availability of credit resources for Crimean enterprises, according to the bank.[3]

Mikhail Yakunin appointed chairman of the bank

The board of the support bank of Crimea RNKB in July 2020 was headed by Mikhail Yakunin. He is assisted by his younger brother Paul with the team.

Placement of bonds for 3 billion rubles

In February 2020, RNKB from the US Sanctions List (SDN) placed bonds on the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange. When these sanctions fall, dollar assets of individuals and companies are blocked. The entire issue for 3 billion rubles. was bought out at a nominal price. In the future, it is planned to list this issue on the Moscow Exchange.


Russia nationalizes the RNKB. Owner - Federal Property Management Agency

The largest bank in Crimea became the property of the Federal Property Management Agency. As reported on the website of the Russian department, the RNKB formally came under Russian control on December 30, 2015:

December 30, 2015, the Russian Federation, represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management, became the owner of 1 765 097 238 ordinary registered shares of PJSC Russian National Commercial Bank, which is 100% of its authorized capital."

Ruslan Arefiev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RNKB, noted that the transition to Russian control was the most significant event in the history of the bank:

"The transfer of the bank to the ownership of the state in the person of the Federal Property Management Agency is, without exaggeration, the most significant event in the history of the RNKB. We are doing everything possible to provide the inhabitants of the peninsula with high-quality financial services and hope that with the support of the shareholder, the bank will go to a new level both in terms of working with clients and in terms of interaction with federal and regional authorities[4].

RNKB sold to "Integrated Energy Solutions"

The Crimean government sold the Russian National Commercial Bank (RNKB) to Complex Energy Solutions (KER LLC), the parent enterprise of the group of the same name, follows from the information on the bank's website. As follows from the ownership scheme published on the bank's website, 99.9% of its shares belong to Complex Energy Solutions LLC (KER). Prior to that, the RNKB was owned by the Crimean authorities through the State Unitary Enterprise "Water of Crimea," which acquired a credit institution from the Bank of Moscow in March last year to develop the banking system in Crimea after leaving the peninsula of Ukrainian banks.

On the basis of the bank, the new owners intend to deploy financing for public-private projects in Crimea in the field of power, heat supply and road construction.

According to the information on the website of the KER Group, the group is a multidisciplinary engineering and construction holding of the full cycle, which implements complex projects in the field of electric power and heat supply.

2014: RNKB informs customers about high risks when making payments in US dollars

On December 19, 2014, US President Barack Obama signed a decree according to which a ban was imposed on the work of American companies with:

  • clients working in the territory of Crimea;
  • clients that are shareholders of Crimean companies;
  • client companies that are subsidiaries of Crimean companies;
  • clients cooperating with Crimean companies.

In addition, the document contains a requirement for American companies to block the funds of all of the above clients. This decree applies to banks operating in the Crimea, as well as to financial institutions that directly or indirectly carry out transactions with the Crimea.

Taking into account this fact, RNKB notifies its clients about the risk of blocking counterparties' funds during transactions with American currency and, in order to ensure the safety of the Bank's clients' funds, temporarily suspends the receipt and sending of payments in US dollars. RNKB Bank takes care of the security of its clients' funds and ensures their protection, including from the possible influence of sanctions by foreign countries.

RNKB continues to make other payments as usual. Deposits in US dollars can still be opened at any branch of the Bank. RNKB continues to carry out foreign exchange transactions in US dollars without restrictions.


Since October 15, 2002, the Authorized Capital of the Bank is 320 '972' 380 rubles.

Shareholders of the Bank owned by more than 1% of the shares:

  • RNKB-Holding Closed Joint Stock Company with a 99.99997% interest in the authorized capital of the Bank

1997: Bank Transformation

The Russian National Commercial Bank (open joint stock company) was established by decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants (Minutes No. 1 of July 4, 1997) as a result of the transformation of the Russian National Commercial Bank (limited liability partnership) registered by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on January 25, 1991 under No. 1354. The purpose of the Bank is commercial banking.

The Russian National Commercial Bank (open joint stock company) is the full successor of the Russian National Commercial Bank (limited liability partnership), which was created on the basis of the Memorandum concluded between the 27 participants with the size of the authorized fund - 25 million non-denominated rubles.
