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1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management (Axelot)

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: Axelot, 1C Joint Stock Company
Date of the premiere of the system: 2004
Last Release Date: 2017
Branches: Logistics and Distribution,  Trade,  Transport
Technology: SaaS - Software as a Service,  WMS,  Logistics Information System


2018: Product Transfer "1C:WMS Logistics. Sitek Warehouse Management

Product "1S WMS Logistics:. Warehouse Management, developed by the company "" 1C together with the company, AXELOT has been transferred to the company since November 27, 2018 "Sitek" in order to improve these solutions, develop a partner model for promoting and implementing software products, and provide technical support.[1]

2017: 1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management Revision 4.5

The main industry functionality of the program:

  • Accounting of goods in the address space of the warehouse: accounting in the context of packages, shelf life, batches, serial numbers, excise stamps, quality; container metering and dimensional control, ABC/XYZ analysis.
  • Management of the main warehouse tasks: acceptance, placement, barcoding (goods, cells, containers), packaging, quality control, shipping, inventory.
  • Working with data collection radio terminals (shipping documentation): reading barcodes and RFID marks; work without warehouse operators.
  • Resource management: automatic creation and distribution of tasks; quality control of tasks execution; analysis of personnel performance; calculation of the required number of personnel per shift; optimisation of warehouse equipment routes.
  • Calculation of responsible storage services: accounting of goods in the context of owners, setting tariffs for each owner, calculation of the cost of services for each operation.
  • Yard Management: vehicle traffic management in the warehouse area, control of entry/exit, automatic assignment of transport windows for unloading/loading by the time of arrival of transport at the warehouse.
  • Warehouse operation control: warehouse manager and dispatch dispatchers monitors; Order and resource monitors analytics.
  • Configuration. " WMS Logistics Warehouse management "is not independent, it requires an installed platform" "version 1C:Enterprise 8.3 8.3.6 and higher.

Configuration "WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management "is completely open, does not contain secure sections of code and does not use hardware or software protection, is fully accessible to ensure that the product can be adapted to the needs of end users.

The mobile application for working with radio data collection terminals running Android or MS Windows CE/Mobile OS comes with software protection implemented through the binding of the license included in the package to the IMEI of the data collection terminal.

2016: Warehouse and Transport Logistics Automation Sales Service Model (WMS and TMS)

AXELOT has developed a new service model for sales of the 1C:WMS and AXELOT: TMS systems for customers. The principle of maximum savings in initial investments and the ability to focus on real business tasks without distracting the technical component have become fundamental in the new service sales model offered by AXELOT to its customers.

The sales software and equipment service model involves the deployment of an automation system on the AXELOT infrastructure. Thus, AXELOT provides the client with the required equipment and software as a "cloud" service, the company's specialists fully prepare and put the system into operation and provide a full range of system maintenance services. The client can only pay a monthly fixed amount for the provision of this service. Also, within the framework of this service, equipment for barcoding (data collection terminals and label printers) and a wireless network can be leased.

If desired, the client has the opportunity at any time to move from the service model to the traditional one by purchasing equipment and software licenses.

Among the advantages of the sales service model, in addition to the low volume of initial investments, it is worth noting a decrease in customer costs associated with service and warranty maintenance of the system, as well as a decrease in operational risks caused by the inoperability of old equipment or its non-compliance with changing business requirements.

2015: 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management, Revision 4.0 Received 1C Compatibility Certificate

August 12, 2015 it became known about the completion of certification ON "8 1C: Enterprise.. WMS Logistics Warehouse Management "revision 4.0 -" Compatible! Program System: 1C Enterprise. "

Industry Core Functionality

  • Accounting of goods in the address space of the warehouse: accounting in the context of packages, shelf life, batches, serial numbers, excise stamps, quality; container metering and dimensional control, ABC/XYZ analysis.
  • Management of the main warehouse tasks: acceptance, placement, barcoding (goods, cells, containers), packaging, quality control, shipping, inventory.
  • Working with data collection radio terminals (shipping documentation): reading barcodes and RFID marks; work without warehouse operators.
  • Resource management: automatic creation and distribution of tasks; quality control of tasks execution; analysis of personnel performance; calculation of the required number of personnel per shift; optimisation of warehouse equipment routes.
  • Calculation of responsible storage services: accounting of goods in the context of owners, setting tariffs for each owner, calculation of the cost of services for each operation.
  • Yard Management: vehicle traffic management in the warehouse area, control of entry/exit, automatic assignment of transport windows for unloading/loading by the time of arrival of transport at the warehouse.
  • Warehouse operation control: warehouse manager and dispatch dispatchers monitors; Order and resource monitors analytics.

2014: 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0

1CLogistics"-: Warehouse Management 3.0" - a solution in the domestic market WMS, which is used to automate the control of technological processes of modern warehouses.

The release 3.0 "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" has added a number of functional solutions that allow the system to even more fully meet the needs of a modern warehouse. For example, it became possible to move the selected item to the packing and shipping areas, both automatically and manually by the operator by pressing only a button. Refinement of the placement of goods depending on its quality allows you to use quality gradation and automatically move each substandard goods to your placement area. The scrap zone is no longer used in the settings. In addition, the new release adds the ability to maintain non-unique barcodes, which allows you to use both in-stock barcodes and vendor barcodes. And the ability to exchange data with the corporate information system through a web service allows you to abandon the use of intermediate exchange directories and increase the security of the network infrastructure.

2013: 1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management

On November 20, 2013, AXELOT announced the release of a new version of 1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management "


The new implementation more fully meets the needs of users in terms of monitoring, control and system management of warehouse processes.


The most pronounced changes affected resource management algorithms. This release of WMS provides the ability to distribute personnel to flows. A work center has been created to record the arrival and exit of warehouse employees, and their movements can be monitored using magnetic cards.

Personnel management mechanisms are more diverse: now "1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management "allows you to plan and take into account the work of not only individual employees, but entire teams. At the same time, different types of teams are implemented in the system. Depending on the type of team, you can assign different standards for the production of employees who are part of it. The functionality of changing the composition of the team is implemented on the shipping documentation.

The billing procedure has been simplified: tariff grids have been added to the system, new selection settings have been implemented and the services can be fixed for a prepaid number of pallets, cells, etc., charging has been added for the packaging of the item and the ability to register a one-time service.

Improved placement procedures: flexible rules for combining different types of goods in a cell are implemented, which can be used when planning placement. The possibility of placement by ABC classes and the sequence of selection of ABC zones, as well as the rules for laying goods during selection or packaging have been added. It is worth noting the possibility of pre-planning the placement for the future delivery.

The changes affected the equipment: support for HDS racks (high-density racks) and radio-controlled trolleys was implemented, and when issuing tasks, it is possible to monitor the availability of equipment in driveways and the admissibility of being in driveways of various types of equipment.

The management of the yard did not avoid innovations: an automatic change in the status of the vehicle was implemented when the shipment/acceptance of goods in the warehouse was completed. When you create a container transit task using a vehicle, the task for the vehicle is automatically generated.


Description of the functionality of the product "1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management "

According to information as of December 2012 1C": Enterprise 8 WMS Logistics.. Warehouse Management "is intended for different types of warehouses:

  • Large-wholesale or production warehouses with a large or small assortment in which goods are received and shipped in whole pallets.
  • Small wholesale or retail warehouses of trading companies with a medium or large assortment, on which goods come and go in any units (pallets, packages, pieces).
  • Warehouses of transport companies, the work on which is carried out with unique impersonal cargo.
  • Warehouses of responsible storage. The warehouse of responsible storage can be any of the above warehouses.

The configuration works in 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Managed Application mode and provides the following features:

Set Warehouse Topology

A warehouse is a separate structured area of ​ ​ space designed to receive, store, internally process and issue goods. One physical warehouse can be recorded in the system. When the system operates in several physical or logical warehouses, it is necessary to create several information bases with possible exchange of duplicate information among themselves.

The warehouse is usually divided into physical areas in which the processing of goods is subject to certain rules depending on the design of the racks, the equipment used, the layout of the premises, etc.

Each warehouse consists of some (often sufficiently large) number of rooms in which racks are usually installed, grouped by aisles. Each rack can have a certain number of levels (shelves). Each shelf can be physically or virtually divided into certain parts, called positions. Such a storage area is considered the final storage unit of the article in the warehouse and is called a bin. A cell is not necessarily a physical cell, a cell in the system can be any possible place of storage of goods: a passage, a separate room. Each cell has its own address by which it is identified. A storage location can be assigned different statuses depending on whether it is occupied by an item or empty, locked, etc.

The goods in the system are stored in a container section. Container - Any product carrier that has a unique identifier. The goods are not stored in the warehouse/moved on their own; As a rule, pallets are used for storage/movement of goods - in cargo racks, boxes, boxes, trays, etc. - in shelf or gravity storage cells, which are containers for the system. Even in the physical absence of a container (for example, in the case of shelf racks, the goods are stored in placer outside the box), the system creates a virtual container in cells allocated for storing such goods. The virtual container is generated according to the number of the cell in which it is located. The container with the stock is moved around the warehouse as a whole. The system tracks the capacity of containers per cell by quantity, the capacity of the goods by the weight and height of the container. Weight and dimension characteristics are defined at the product level, container type and cell type.


Information on the goods required to carry out routine measures to prepare the warehouse for receipt of delivery is entered in the document "Expected Acceptance." Based on this information, it may be planned to hire additional employees at the warehouse to accept the goods, prepare the storage areas for placement of the goods both in the acceptance area and in the main storage area.

Possible sources of goods receipt can be suppliers (in case of goods receipt from the supplier), customers (in case of goods return from the customer), other warehouses of the company (in case of movement between warehouses within the same company), production sites (in case of finished goods receipt from production).

The new goods arrived at the warehouse can be previously recalculated in places when unloading from the vehicle. For correct recalculation and identification of arrived containers with goods, they are subject to labeling with labels containing identification numbers of containers. The container labels may be prepared in advance or printed during the recalculation process by the data acquisition terminal and the mobile label printer. This process in the system is executed by the document "Preliminary Acceptance." "Pre-acceptance" can be carried out on the basis of the plan - according to the document "Expected acceptance" or in fact.

The acceptance process shall be documented in the "Acceptance" document. The procedure for goods acceptance includes unloading the goods in the acceptance area, identification and recalculation of the goods received, bringing the goods to the warehouse standard, etc.

As a rule, the document "Acceptance" is executed on the basis of the planned delivery - "Expected Acceptance." In exceptional cases, the goods can be accepted in fact.

"Acceptance" can be carried out after the preliminary conversion of the goods received in places or without it.

If there is no barcode on the incoming item, you can mark it. Marking can be performed at any stage of movement. To do this, you need to draw up a "Marking" document, where barcodes for the goods will be formed and labels printed.

At the stage of creating the acceptance plan - the document "Expected Acceptance" can be known information about the numbers of containers expected for receipt, and their product composition. This feature is typical mainly for production warehouses. In this case, the acceptance can be performed in the "Trust" mode ("Trust"). The product composition of such containers, as a rule, is not recalculated upon arrival at the warehouse. Acceptance is performed in a container-by-container manner. With the use of radio data collection terminals, when processing confidence acceptance, barcodes are scanned from container labels. In this case, the inventory corresponds by default to the plan reflected in the Expected Acceptance.

If you already know which order the goods will be shipped to when you accept an item, you can reserve the item for that order.

Upon receipt of transit cargo to the warehouse, acceptance for cargo places is issued. Transit cargoes are accepted for a specific Shipment Order and are not subject to recalculation by product composition.

If the accepted article is taken into account in terms of shelf life, you must enter these parameters in the system during acceptance. To enable the warranty return of goods to the supplier, the possibility of fixing serial numbers at the receipt of goods is realized.

The stock item can be checked again and recalculated using the Inspection of Putaway task. Check recalculation can be carried out to check the conformity of the accepted goods by quantity, as well as to clarify additional parameters of the goods. So, for example, in the acceptance area at the gate, the goods can be recalculated only by quantity, and already at the acceptance control stage its additional parameters are detailed, such as expiration date, serial numbers.

After acceptance of the goods shall be placed. The goods can be placed in the warehouse upon completion of the conversion of the entire delivery or upon completion of the acceptance of each container. If necessary, the final receiving cell may not be planned, and the placement is made in fact with the independent selection of the cell by the Storekeeper with the terminal. The rules for starting automatic layout planning are configured using the event engine.

Placement rules are configured at the placement strategy level. The placement of an item in a warehouse is usually based on the following principles:

  • ABC-classification of goods (high-turnover goods are located closer to the picking area of finished orders to speed up selection);
  • Allocation of areas for placement and storage - by product groups, manufacturers, controllers or other properties of the product;
  • Possibility or prohibition of mixing different goods or one goods with different analytical properties in one cell (different shelf life, batches, serial numbers, quality, etc.) at placement;
  • Accounting of rack types used to store the goods. For example, placing in narrow-passage racks through the buffer zone;
  • Accounting of the placed goods by type of selection (piece storage and storage of containers);
  • Checking the availability of a sufficient quantity of goods in the sampling area during placement, replenishment of the sampling area with the accepted goods (with laying out the accepted pallets in the sampling cells or placing the entire pallets);
  • Taking into account the specifics of the goods (oversized goods, temperature storage features, scrap, etc.).

All of the listed principles can be configured in the system in the Layout Strategies reference book.

The result of working out the placement algorithms specified at the strategy level is the created tasks for placing the article.

Selection and shipment of goods

The goods are shipped from the warehouse based on the shipment plan loaded from the corporate information system. The plan of what is to be shipped from the warehouse is contained in the document Shipping Order. Possible shipping directions can be shipment to the buyer (customer), transfer to other warehouses of the company, return to the supplier, shipment of goods (raw materials and materials) to production.

Based on the information on the planned shipments, it is possible to carry out routine measures to prepare for a faster configuration of this order (for example, make-up of core cells). Based on the shipping order, all further activities for this order are carried out.

"Shipping orders" can be combined into flights on delivery routes. Data on flights of the route of detour of vehicles are contained in the document "Flight." The flight can be created on the basis of data obtained from the corporate accounting system, delivery management system or "Warehouse Dispatcher" in. " WMS Logistics Warehouse Management. "

Based on the "Shipment Order," the item is selected from the storage bins. The system automatically searches for the cells in which the order item is located. The rules for starting automatic selection planning are configured using the event engine.

In order to reduce the time required to assemble orders and the number of warehouse employee approaches, the "Shipping Orders" selection can be combined into a wave. Wave - Group the orders to be taken together into different containers that match the orders. It is advisable to combine orders into waves in a piece shipment, when several orders must be prepared for the same shipment time, and then a piece of goods for several orders is taken into cargo containers.

A piece of goods can be collected on several "Shipping Orders" in one container, which will be disassembled on order in a separate allocated area using a sorting task. In this case, the "Shipment Orders" can be combined into a selection group.

For the selection of piece goods for several orders, container cargoes can be prepared in advance for each order. Such selection is clustered. In the case of clustered selection of an article, the system prompts you which container, which article you want to place.

When planning the selection of goods, the selection algorithms specified in the selection strategies are taken into account. Selection planning in the warehouse is usually carried out on the basis of the following principles:

  • Availability of a dedicated sampling area. As a rule, the lower tier of racks is allocated for the selection of goods to speed up the selection process. The search for goods by orders is primarily carried out in this area;
  • Selection multiplicity - which units should be used to select goods: whole pallets, boxes or pieces. For example, if the ordered quantity of goods corresponds to a whole pallet, then the selection can be carried out immediately with a whole pallet from the backup storage area;
  • Accounting of rack types used to store the goods. For example, sampling from gravity racks is carried out according to the LIFO principle;
  • Accounting of shelf life when selecting goods. Review shelf life requirements for the order counterparty.

The serial numbers of the selected item can be recorded at the selection stage to enable warranty returns from the buyer.

During the creation of the "Shipment Order," you may know the number of containers to be shipped and their inventory. In this case, the selection planning is carried out for the specific container specified in the order.

The selection task is performed using data acquisition radio terminals. As a backup technology, the technology of working on "paper" media can be considered.

Based on the results of the selection, the goods can be transferred to a dedicated control and packaging area. The inspection and packaging area can be equipped with workstations with connected bar code readers, which scan the selected goods and check for compliance with the order. The monitoring procedure can also be carried out using radio data collection terminals. During the inspection procedure, the selected goods can be packaged in shipping places - containers with the printing of the packing list for transfer to the shipping company, to their own store or to the end customer.

Based on the results of the selection of an article into one container for several orders combined into a group, a subsequent sorting procedure is carried out. During the sorting process, the item is broken down into orders for shipment to customers.

The inspected and packaged goods can be recalculated again at the shipping gate or when loaded into the machine. In this case, the recalculation is no longer carried out by the composition of goods, but by the number of cargo items shipped.


The process of internal movement of entire containers, goods between containers and cells in the system is documented using transfer tasks. Separate tasks are provided for the movement of entire containers and the product composition of containers. Transfer tasks are used to process any movement of an item in a warehouse. Move tasks can be created automatically by a warehouse event or manually by the Warehouse Dispatcher. For example, if a defective item is detected in the conversion process, a job can be automatically created to move the item to the scrap area or automatically move the received pre-containers to the temporary storage area. If you create movement tasks manually, the warehouse controller can specify the item, the container, the source bin, and the destination bin. Manual movement tasks can be worked out using a data acquisition radio terminal. Movement tasks can be created in free mode directly from the terminal window, when the warehouse employee independently decides what needs to be moved, from where and where.


If it is necessary to replenish the sampling area, the system performs the makeup task. Make-up shall be performed according to the requirements of the "Shipment Order" or at any time according to the warehouse regulations. Makeup can be carried out when the minimum number of containers (goods) is reached to the maximum number of containers (goods) in the selection area. The minimum and maximum level of balances are set for each item.

Individual make-up parameters are set at the level of the article and the selected area or selection cells for the article. Make-up of the sampling area (fixed cells) can also be carried out in the main storage area, near buffer area or acceptance area. Make-up rules are defined in make-up strategies.

Make-up tasks are performed using the data collection terminal. As a backup technology, a technology for issuing tasks on paper can be used.


The system provides several types of recalculation tasks.

  • Inventory of the cell. When carrying out an inventory of a cell, all containers and goods located in the cell are recalculated. A cell inventory can recalculate both the number of containers in the cell and the composition of the container.
  • Inventory of containers. When carrying out an inventory of containers, the composition of a specific container on which the task was created is recalculated.
  • Inventory of the item. When carrying out an inventory of a product, a recalculation of a specific product is carried out in all containers and cells in which this product is located.
  • Acceptance control. The inspection task is used to recalculate a newly received item.
  • Shipment control. The shipping control task is used to recalculate a sales order item from a warehouse.
  • Quality control. The quality control task is used to recalculate and check the condition of the item in the warehouse. Quality control can be carried out at any stage of the goods processing: in the area of ​ ​ acceptance for the goods received, during storage or shipment.

In large warehouses operating mainly in pallet storage, the inventory can be carried out "on the fly" with the recalculation of pallets by the number located in the cells. In this case, the composition of pallets may not be recalculated. To carry out such an inventory, you use a recalculation task with the category Container Inventory. To recalculate the inventory of cells, containers or a specific item in the warehouse, use the recalculation task with the type "Inventory of Container Composition." Inventory using. " WMS Logistics Warehouse management "does not require a complete shutdown of the warehouse and can be carried out in a limited area of ​ ​ bins (driveway, rack, tier) or a certain commodity group.

The bin is not locked at the time of the recalculation, which allows you not to stop work on the inventory bin for other warehouse operations.

The goods selected for the sales order can also be monitored using the task "Shipment Control."

To check and control the quality of goods at any stage of warehouse cargo processing, the Quality Control procedure can be carried out. As a rule, the quality control of goods is typical for product warehouses and is carried out by individual employees of the quality control department. The procedure for quality control and change in other warehouses is also applied when a defective product is found and it needs to be written off or disposed of. As a result of this transaction, the status of the item may change.

Task Management

You can use tasks to execute inventory transactions in the system. A task is any action with an item in a warehouse, for example, a task to move an item from one bin to another, a task to select an item from a bin, or a task to recalculate. Tasks are divided into types depending on the warehouse activities performed in the warehouse.

Tasks are created automatically based on system schedules or events and are processed using data collection radio terminals connected to the system. In exceptional cases, tasks for performing a warehouse transaction can be created manually by the "System Manager" and transferred for execution to the terminal or using "paper" technology, which can be used as a backup technology.

Warehouse processing tasks are sorted by execution priority. A task performed in a warehouse can have high, medium, and low priority. High priority tasks are performed in the warehouse first. For example, the task of picking up an item for an urgent customer order can be important. This task must be processed in the warehouse first with the highest priority.

Tasks can be performed in several steps, such as moving an item between zones. To move the received goods from the acceptance area to narrow-passage racks for storage, the goods can pass through two placement cells. In the first approach, using a loader, the goods are moved from the acceptance zone to the buffer zone - the adjacent zone to the narrow-passage racks. After that, from the buffer zone with the help of a stacker moves to the main storage zone in narrow-passage racks. A similar move task has two placement cells: temporary and finite. This multi-step movement is considered in. " WMS Logistics Warehouse Management "when processing a task.

Warehouse tasks can be grouped into workflows by customizing characteristics that are issued to warehouse employees for execution. For example, you can create a work flow for moving an item in high-rise racks, which can include tasks for moving, placing, and feeding the item. This workflow can only be assigned to a stacker warehouse employee. When you select a work flow, the employee will be assigned to the terminal to perform all the tasks included in the work flow.

Use the Task Manager Workplace to monitor the progress of tasks. In this workplace, the Warehouse Manager can monitor the progress of tasks, make corrections in case of non-standard situations.

Warehouse Performance Analysis

Upon processing of warehouse operations, functionality. " WMS Logistics Warehouse Management "allows you to:

  • Monitoring the status of orders and tasks to be performed;
  • Analysis of the warehouse occupancy in the section of zones and storage bins;
  • Analysis of the current state of the warehouse in the context of address storage;
  • Plan-factual analysis of goods expected to arrive and upon receipt into the warehouse;
  • Plan of the actual analysis of the ordered and shipped goods from the warehouse.

Technological advantages

Leveraging a state-of-the-art, three-tiered platform with an end-to-end enterprise-scale application, enables the IT Director and IT specialists of the enterprise to be confident in the reliability of data storage, performance, and scalability of the system. IT specialists get a convenient tool for implementing the tasks necessary for the enterprise and maintaining the system created during implementation.

On the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform, a new client application is implemented - a thin client: it can connect using http or https protocols, while all business logic is implemented on the server. Remote departments can use the thin client to connect over the Internet and work with the information base in on-line mode. Increased safety and speed of operation.

On the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform, a new client application is implemented - a Web client: it does not require any components to be installed on the user's computer, it allows users of operating systems to use at their workplaces: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS. Does not require administration on users' computers. Provides online access to the information base for "mobile" employees.

A special mode of operation of client applications is implemented - the mode of low connection speed (for example, when working through GPRS, dialup). You can work anywhere you don't have a permanent Internet connection.

In managed application mode, the interface is not "drawn," but "described." The developer defines only the general command interface schema and the general form schema. The platform uses this description when building an interface for a particular user, taking into account various factors:

  • user rights;
  • features of a specific implementation;
  • settings made by the user himself.

It is possible to build an individual interface for each user.

The mechanism of functional options is implemented. They allow you to enable/disable the required functional parts of the configuration without changing the application solution itself. You can customize the interface for each role, taking into account user preferences.

Information protection

The company 1C"" received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 of 20.07.2010, issued, FSTEC of Russia which confirms that the protected software complex (ZPK), version 1C: Enterprise 8.2z, is recognized as a general-purpose software tool with built-in means information protection from unauthorized access (NSD) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. Based on the results of certification, compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on protection against NSD -5 class, on the level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities was confirmed (EID) according to level 4 of control, the possibility of using for creating automated systems has been confirmed (NP) up to the security class of 1G (i.e. NPs ensuring the protection of confidential information in LAN) inclusive, as well as for the protection of information in personal data information systems (ISDS) up to and including class K1.

Certified platform instances are marked with conformity signs from No. G 420000 to No. G 429999.

All configurations developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform (e.g WMS Logistics.. Warehouse Management, Payroll and Human Resources, Production Enterprise Management) can be used to create a personal data information system of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.

Scalability and Performance

The use of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures efficient operation and reliable storage of information for hundreds of users. Today's three-tiered system architecture preserves high performance while significantly increasing system load and processing volumes. High fault tolerance is achieved through server cluster redundancy, and performance optimization is achieved through dynamic load balancing between clusters. The use of DBMSs by world leaders (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows you to build high-performance and reliable information systems.

Building geographically distributed systems

Enterprise 1C 8 implements a mechanism for managing distributed information bases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically separated databases combined into a multi-level hierarchical structure.

This makes it possible to build based on the configuration. " WMS Logistics Warehouse management "solutions for enterprises of a network or holding structure, allowing you to effectively manage the business and see the picture" in general "with the necessary efficiency for decision-making.

Integration with other systems

Integration with external programs of domestic and foreign developers (for example, technological preparation of production, client-bank system) and equipment (for example, instrumentation or warehouse data collection terminals) is provided based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols supported by the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform.

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management. Functionality

According to information as of December 2012, the software product 1CWMS Logistics":. Warehouse Management "accumulates the experience and successful practices gained during the development and implementation of the previous version of the specialized solution for warehouse logistics automation" 1C-Logistics. Warehouse Management 3.0 "and is the result of many years of work on the automation of warehouse complexes.

"1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management "provides the following functionality:

  • Set the warehouse complex topology;
  • Handling of goods and containers;
  • Accounting of measuring goods;
  • Putaway:
    • Acceptance of goods from supplier, production or other warehouse;
    • Return of goods from the customer;
    • Acceptance by preliminary composition of pallets (containers);
    • Acceptance of off-spec goods;
    • Acceptance of mixed containers;
    • Acceptance of impersonal cargoes;
    • Acceptance in "trust" mode;

  • Cross docking and transit:

    • Acceptance of goods under the customer's order;
    • Handling of transit cargo.

  • Placement of goods:

    • Setting strategies for placing goods according to various criteria;
    • Automatic placement of goods;
    • Replenishment of the sampling area during placement;
    • Placement of mixed containers;
    • Multi-step placement of goods;
    • Control of cell capacity by number and height of containers, weight.

  • Selection and packing of orders:

    • Consolidation of samples into waves, groups;
    • Cluster selection;
    • Setting selection strategies according to different criteria;
    • Control and packaging of the selected goods;
    • Consolidation of containers before loading into the machine;
    • Sorting of goods by orders during group/wave sampling;
    • Cancellation of order with cargo disbandment.

  • Shipment:

    • Planning of flights by delivery routes;
    • Print supporting documentation;

  • Output control. In-house operations:

    • Assignment of makeup strategies: by order, by min/max;
    • Make-up of box and piece area.

  • In-house movements;
  • Inventory;
  • Quality control;
  • Marking and sticking.
  • Task Management:

    • Classification and prioritization of tasks;
    • Automatic allocation of tasks to resources;
    • Monitoring tasks.

  • Real-time tasks with the radio terminal
  • Support of responsible storage warehouse functions.
  • Analytical mechanisms:

    • Monitoring of orders and tasks;
    • Monitoring of resources;
    • Analytical reporting.


The joint solution of 1C and AXELOT 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management appeared on the market in 2004 and became the first replicated software product for automation of warehouse logistics management on the 1C: Enterprise platform. AXELOT, as a developer, was continuously engaged in the development and optimization of the system, which initially found its buyer in the mass market of small companies and organizations. The current 3rd edition, published in January 2008, is significantly different from the first version of the system and is more focused on medium and large warehouses with intensive turnover.
