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Axelot WMS X5 is replicated at all production sites in the Nakynsky and Aikhalo-Udachninsky branches of UMTS AK Alrosa

Customers: Alrosa, AK

Product: Axelot WMS X5

Project date: 2019/09  - 2022/06

2022: Replication of Axelot WMS X5 at production sites in Nakyn and Aikhalo-Udachninsky branches

On June 27, 2022, Axelot-L announced the replication of Axelot WMS X5 at all production sites in the Nakynsky and Aikhalo-Udachninsky branches of UMTS AK Alrosa.

Thanks to the cooperation of AK Alrosa and Axelot-L, it was possible to create the basis for the automation of the warehouse logistics extracting company. The introduction information of the Axelot WMS X5 system () WMS made it possible to organize a unified warehouse management system for UMTS AK Alrosa (PJSC), increase the speed of acceptance of goods and ensure control of their movement, create conditions for the effective use of warehouse space and increase employee productivity the warehouse.


The project took more than 2 years of work of a distributed project team consisting of professionals of AK Alrosa (Logistics Department (UMTS), Center for Development, Planning and Inventory Management), Alrosa IT LLC (SAP Central Committee, 1C Central Committee, Project Activities Department) and the contracting organization Axelot-L. Within the framework of the project, a set of measures was carried out to automate the Company's warehouse processes, starting from the pilot implementation in the Lena branch of UMTS, and ending with the replication of the software solution at production sites in the Nakynsky, Aikhalo-Udachninsky branches of UMTS.

Warehouses are located in a region where weather conditions vary widely by season. The nomenclature groups of AK Alrosa also have their own features and are stored in warehouses of various types: warm, cold and open areas. Despite the existing specifics, WMS allows employees to work at all sites, including working in open areas online using tablets with a mobile application.

During the course of work, Axelot specialists took into account the specifics of business processes, setting up the system in accordance with them. WMS made it possible to optimize warehouse processes and helped ensure the interchangeability of employees, since all information about goods, their location and processes with them is recorded in the system. There is no need to rely on the memory of individual employees.


Introduction of Axelot WMS X5 in warehouses in the cities of Mirny, Udachny, Nakyn, Ayhal

With the implementation of AXELOT WMS X5, warehouse operations are fully automated. Automation has reduced the burden on warehouse personnel and helped ensure that employees are interchangeable, as now all information about goods, their location and processes with them is recorded in WMS, and there is no need to rely on the memory of individual employees. And thanks to the introduction of a system for assessing labor productivity, it was possible to increase the productivity of the permanent staff of warehouses by more than 20%.

Introduction of Axelot WMS X5 at Lensk warehouse

According to the results of the tender, AXELOT was selected as the executor of the project for the implementation of the AXELOT WMS X5 system at one of the supply depots of ALROSA, located in the city of Lensk. The area of this warehouse is 100,000 sq.m., there are various types of sites: open, covered heated, covered unheated. At the same time, the sites are geographically distant from each other, and work on open areas is carried out year-round. About 35,000 item items are stored in the warehouse.

Thanks to the productive joint work of the project teams AXELOT and ALROSA, a successful pilot project was implemented, which made it possible to create a reliable base for optimizing the warehouse logistics of a large mining company, taking into account all the accompanying specifics.

In addition to accounting and management tasks, it was important to ensure traceability of goods in warehouses, control of warehouse operations, so that information about materials in warehouses was available in real time, and management had prompt and reliable data for timely management decisions.

In addition, it was important to optimize the use of resources - personnel, machinery, storage space. And, of course, it was necessary to minimize the number of errors caused by the human factor, as well as increase the accuracy and productivity of warehouse workers, including by increasing the efficiency and speed of document management.

The project was implemented "turnkey." AXELOT specialists conducted a logistic audit and developed an optimal concept for the development of the warehouse. As part of the project, the necessary warehouse equipment was delivered. The implementation of the WMS system, the development of integration with ERP, testing and pilot operation - all these stages were carried out in close cooperation with the customer's team.

Taking into account the number of dedicated sites, it was decided to stage-scale WMS to warehouses and zones, which made it possible to optimally plan the debugging of the system and integration mechanisms, changes in business processes and training of users. At the same time, as part of the pilot project, a number of "end-to-end" needs were resolved:

  • For each type of storage and commodity group, the project team developed and configured separate cargo handling mechanisms.
  • To work on open areas in the winter period, the possibility of using various working technologies is laid - the use of both mobile equipment for identifying goods and "paper" technology is available where the use of automatic identification technologies is difficult.
  • The mobile solution supports the ability to work both in 4G technology and in, and the Wi-Fi equipment is selected in such a way that switching between 4G and Wi-Fi is carried out depending on the signal quality automatically.
  • Integration of the WMS system with the corporate system accounting system is implemented in the classic way with the division into "master" and "slave." The flexibility of AXELOT WMS X5 made it possible to adapt the system to the main ones business processes ERP in such a way that the analysis of primary documentation and the formation of summary reports are also available in the corporate information system.

The goals set before the start of the pilot project were successfully achieved. At the ALROSA warehouse in Lensk, the influence of the human factor has been reduced and the accuracy of assembly of orders has been increased. The efficiency of reflecting changes in balances by warehouses and zones has been increased. And, in general, now all the main warehouse processes are automated and controlled by the warehouse management system AXELOT WMS Kh5.