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1C: Enterprise 8.2

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Enterprise 8.0
Developers: 1C Joint Stock Company
Last Release Date: May, 2012
Technology: ERP,  SaaS - Software as service


1C: Enterprise 8.2 is significant development of a system from the moment of release of 1C:Enterprise 8. In the new version:

  • there was an opportunity for work in regime of the thin client and web client
  • work of users via the Internet is supported including on low-speed communication channels
  • work of the web client in the Linux operating system is supported
  • the mode of managed application providing automatic change of the interface according to the functionality selected at implementation, roles of users and individual preferences is implemented
  • the failover cluster of servers with dynamic balancing of loading is implemented
  • support is implemented DBMS Oracle Database
  • the mechanism of units optimizing creation of analytical reports is implemented
  • opportunities for management of reports for developers and users are expanded
  • the new design of the interface is developed
  • the structure of tools of the developer for optimization of application solutions is expanded
  • the convenience of installation and administration of a system at corporate implementations is increased
  • the scalability and high-speed performance of a system are increased.

Stages of development of the 1C Enterprise platform

"1C: Management of manufacturing enterprise 8" is the complete application solution covering the main guidance loops and accounting at manufacturing enterprise. The solution allows to organize the end-to-end information system conforming to corporate, Russian and international standards and providing financial and economic activity of the enterprise.

The application solution is created by a common information space for display of financial and economic activity of the enterprise, covering the main business processes. At the same time access to the stored data and also possibilities of these or those actions depending on the status of workers is accurately differentiated.

At the enterprises of holding structure the general information base can cover all organizations entering into holding. It significantly reduces labor input of accounting due to reuse of the general arrays of information by the different organizations. At the same time on all organizations accounting is conducted end-to-end managerial and regulated (accounting and tax), but the regulated reporting is prepared separately on the organizations.

The fact of commission of economic transaction is registered once and receives reflection in managerial and regulated accounting. Need of repeated information input is excluded. Means of registration of economic transaction is the document, and for acceleration of work mechanisms of substitution of data "by default", input of new documents on the basis of earlier entered are widely used.

In the application solution the following ratio of this different accounting is accepted:

  • data independence managerial, accounting and tax accounting;
  • comparability of data managerial, accounting and tax accounting;
  • coincidence of amount-based and quantitative estimates of assets and liabilities according to managerial, accounting and tax accounting, in the absence of the objective reasons of their discrepancy.

The data entered by users quickly are controlled by the application solution. So, at registration of payment of cash a system will check funds availability taking into account the available requests for their expenditure. And at registration of shipment of products a system will check a status of settlement with the consignee.

The application solution is delivered with a set of interfaces that provides to each user pervoocheredny access to data and mechanisms of the application solution necessary to it.

Regulated (accounting and tax) account on the organizations is kept in national currency, in volume time as for management accounting on the enterprise in general can be selected any currency. In the different organizations of uniform information base the different systems of taxation can be used: in some organizations — the general system of taxation, in others — simplified; different installations of policy tax and accounting can be used. Besides, the system of taxation in the form of the unified imputed income tax can be applied to separate types of activity of the organization.

In addition to the managerial and regulated accounting it is possible to keep account according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). For the purpose of decrease in labor input account according to IFRS is kept not quickly, using broadcast (recalculation) of these other types of accounting.

At solution development of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 were considered as modern international control techniques by the enterprise (MRP II CRM SCM ERP, ERP II, etc.), and the experience of successful automation of manufacturing enterprises accumulated by 1C Company and partner community. Specialists of the companies "INSTITUTE OF MODEL SOLUTIONS" (production management) and "1C-Rarus" participated in design and development of a configuration (accounting on IFRS). According to methodological issues of implementation of managerial, financial accounting and reporting according to IFRS consulting support is performed by world famous auditor and consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is developed on a modern technology platform of 1C:Enterprise 8. The Management of Manufacturing Enterprise configuration enters the delivery of the software product, in addition to the platform.

High reliability and performance of the application solution, scalability, creation of the geographically distributed systems, integration with other information systems is provided. The internal device of the application solution is completely open for studying and setup under specific requirements of the enterprise.

1C Company finishes and develops the Management of Manufacturing Enterprise configuration for the purpose of reflection of changes of the legislation and expansion of functionality. Operational updating of the set application solutions is provided. From 1C Company and its partners the multi-layer system of technical support is provided.


1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 is the flagman application solution of 1C Company with the broadest spectrum of functionality. The general concept of the solution is explained by the scheme.

All mechanisms of automation of the application solution can be separated into two big classes conditionally:

  • mechanisms for maintenance of operating activities of the enterprise;
  • mechanisms for conducting not operational accounting.

The sections belonging to operating activities can be selected in each type of accounting (except for accounting according to IFRS).

Besides, the application solution is separated into the separate subsystems responsible for the solution of groups of similar tasks: management subsystem in cash, management subsystem personnel, accounting subsystem, etc. Similar separation represents some convention which facilitates mastering of the application solution. In the current work of users of border between subsystems are practically not felt.

The latest revision of the Management of Manufacturing Enterprise configuration which assigned number 1.3, clearly demonstrates advantages of new version 8.2 of the 1C: Enterprise platform. The configuration can be used in the mode of the normal application, usual for users of former editions.

"1C: Management of manufacturing enterprise 8" can be used in a number of divisions and services of manufacturing enterprises, including:

  • directorate (CEO, chief financial officer, commercial director, director of production, chief engineer, HR director, director of IT, development director);
  • economical department;
  • production workshops;
  • production and dispatching department;
  • department of the chief designer;
  • department of the chief technologist;
  • department of the chief mechanical engineer;
  • sales office;
  • department of logistics (supply);
  • marketing department;
  • warehouses of materials and finished goods;
  • accounting;
  • personnel department;
  • department of job management and employment;
  • IT service;
  • administrative department;
  • construction department;
  • information analysis department;
  • department of strategic development.

It is expected that the greatest effect will give implementation of the application solution at the enterprises with number of staff from several tens to several thousand people having tens and hundreds of automated jobs and also in holding and network structures.

1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 provides:

  • to the management of the enterprise and managers who are responsible for business development — ample opportunities of the analysis, planning and flexible management by resources of the company for increase in its competitiveness;

  • to the heads of divisions, managers and employees who are directly engaged in productive, sales, supplying and other activity on providing a production process — the tools allowing to increase efficiency of daily work on the directions;

  • to employees of accounting services of the enterprise — means for the automated accounting in full accordance with requirements of the legislation and corporate standards of the enterprise.

1C:Enterprise 8 with program protection

At the end of September, 2010 it was announced the beginning of experimental use of the program protection implemented in 1C: Enterprise 8.2. At this stage software products "1C: Document Flow 8" and "1C: Small Business Management 8" which are issued in a new complete set are translated to program protection: instead of the hardware key the envelope with PIN codes for obtaining the program license enters delivery and the instruction for obtaining program licenses is added.

For these products new client and server licenses are issued. The envelope with sets of PIN codes for obtaining the program license enters delivery of new licenses in comparison with the released earlier similar products with hardware protection instead of a key of hardware protection and the instruction for obtaining program licenses is added. In client licenses the license agreement is updated - in it use of files of program licenses of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system along with keys of hardware protection is regulated.

The 1C: Document Flow 8 and 1C: Small Business Management 8 software products with hardware keys in the Russian Federation are laid off and on sale before the termination of warehouse stocks.

Client licenses and licenses for the server are delivered in two options now: earlier released products with hardware protection (HASP) and new products with program protection.

1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z

1C Company announced completion of certification and the beginning of sales in December, 2010 of the protected software package "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" which part the certified version of a technology platform of 1C: Enterprise 8.2 and a documentation kit is.

1C Company receives certificate of conformity No. 2137 of 7/20/2010 issued by FSTEC of Russia which confirms that the protected software package (PSP) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as the software tool of general purpose with the built-in information security tools from unauthorized access (NSD) to information which is not containing the data which are the state secret. Based on certification compliance to requirements of regulating documents for protection against class NSD-5, on the level of absence control of not declared opportunities (NDV) on the 4th level of control is confirmed, the possibility of use for creation of the automated systems (AS) to a class of security 1G is confirmed (i.e. AS providing confidential information protection in a LAN) inclusive and also for data protection in personal data information systems (ISPDN) to class K1 inclusive.

The certified copies of the platform are marked by marks of conformity from No. G 420000 to No. G 429999.

All configurations developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform (e.g. "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8", 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management, etc.), can be used during creation of a personal data information system of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.

The purpose and order of application of the protected software package "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z"

For the purpose of the organization of personal data protection application of the protected software package "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recommended for personal data information systems of 1, 2 and 3 classes. One set of ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" can be used as in the organizations which are the operator of PDN and processing personal data independently and in the organizations rendering services in maintaining ISPDN several operators. When using ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" it is necessary to consider that this product can be used as at information processing for one legal entity or the entrepreneur, and for group (holding). At the same time there are no restrictions on quantity of jobs (earlier purchased client licenses for 1C:Enterprise 8).

Order of sale of the protected software package "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z"

ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is on sale only through participating partners of 1C: Franchisee network.

It is allowed to purchase ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" only to the registered software products of the 1C: Enterprise system, including to the products "1C-Jointly".

If for a product to which ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is purchased obligatory service through the information and technology maintenance (ITM) is entered, then at the registered user at the time of acquisition ZPK shall be subscribed on ITS.

Sale of ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is performed only through the system of the requests which are made out on the website of 1C. The partner franchisee or the manager of retail department of 1C Company can issue the request.

The following data are specified in the request:

  • registration number and the name of a product for which ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is purchased;
  • name of the organization of the user;
  • TIN of the organization of the user;
  • postal address of the user;
  • Full Name of the contact person of the user and his phone;

The request for acquisition of ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is checked in 1C Company by the following criteria:

  • whether the software product specified in the request is registered;
  • whether the user has an operating subscription to ITS (for products on which the obligatory subscription to ITS is entered).

Consideration of the request in 1C Company is performed within one working day, in case of a rejection of the request the cause of failure is formulated.

The delivery of ZPK includes:

  • directly a distribution kit of the certified platform on a disk;
  • sticker of FSTEC of Russia;
  • the form with checksum;
  • registration card of the protected product;
  • specification;
  • description of application;
  • description of the program;
  • copy of the FSTEC certificate.

"Clouds" are on sale badly, but 1C is not given

The director of 1C Boris Nuraliyev told in May, 2011 CNews about the first results of sales of the platform for enterprise management "1C:Enterprise 8" according to the scheme of lease. In the prices of end users the total revenue of this direction in 2010 was 18.45 million rubles or 0.32% of total sales of Enterprise for the same period.

Let's remind that 1C tested delivery of Enterprise in lease since January, 2009, and at the end of May, 2010 transferred to commercial operation. Installation of the server software during the work on such model happens at capacities of the holder of the license from which the client finally also obtains service.

The company specified CNews that at delivery of software in lease the subscription fee is received by the holder of the license, and 1C is only annual remuneration which is 10%. Thus, the vendor in 2010 earned from SaaS only about 1.85 million rubles (without lump sum payments for licenses from holders, their volume in the company is not disclosed).

"In 2011 we will save the rent scheme, sales volume, obviously, will grow", - Nuraliyev said. But for 2011 the company has no specific financial expectations.

In real projects as holders management companies, the franchisee of 1C, hosters, DPCs and business centers act. Boris Nuraliyev says that as of February, 2011 agreements on lease are signed with 54 partners and on average in a month 3-5 new are added. For comparison, franchasing agreements 50-70 subscribes during this time.

After implementation of access to Enterprise via the browser lease of licenses became the next step of 1C on the way to providing service from "cloud". In the new version of Enterprise one more update in this direction is made 8.2.14 – the mechanism of distribution of data (multitenancy) allowing to support work of a large number of independent organizations in one database and intended for work of software as service through Network is added.

Version 8.2.14 of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform

Among many new features and opportunities in it the functionality of separation of data (multitenancy) supporting work in one information base of a large number of different, including independent organizations is implemented. It is intended, in particular, for use of application solutions of a system as the "cloud" services provided on the Internet including according to the SaaS model. At the same time also the web client of a system develops, in the new version he supports work on iPad. Now the new version is provided for testing to partners and the registered users within regular information and technology maintenance.

Version 8.2.14 represents significant development of the 1C: Enterprise platform, providing smooth transition to new technologies. It is important that innovations do not influence operation of the mechanisms implemented in the previous versions. Changes concerned the following sections:

  • Development of the mechanism of comparison and consolidation of configurations:
    • The solution of all tasks connected with development of application solutions in the mode of managed application;
    • New objects for detailed comparison and consolidation are added.

  • Development of development tools, including:

    • The mode of expanded syntax check of modules is implemented;
    • Emergence of the contextual hint (list) when entering the string constants which are parameters of methods;
    • Modifications of forms are simplified and facilitated.

  • External data sources:

    • Access to tables of external databases is implemented: use in forms, lists, a possibility of the address to them using language of requests, etc.

  • Development of a system of configuration of data, including:

    • Analytical systems capabilities are expanded;
    • Interactive work with interpretation of the report is improved;
    • The output of several resources is provided at once at creation of charts.

  • Improvement of a usability of the interface of managed application:

    • The option of work of the interface "in one window with tabs" is implemented;
    • An opportunity by a one click quickly is provided to disconnect all panels of commands.

Betas of application solutions contain additional developments: the web client working on iPad under control of the mobile browser is created, the new mechanism of separation of data both completely, and partially is implemented. Such mechanism allows to store data of several the organizations independent from each other in one information base.

In new version 8.2.14 the mechanism of the managed transaction blocking is optimized, the quantity of server calls is reduced during the work of the web client, a number of write operations during the work with DBMS is accelerated. The mechanisms of the 1C: Enterprise server increasing scalability and performance at a large number of the working users are optimized, performance of file base is increased.

Transition to version 8.2.14 is performed in accordance with the established procedure for the registered users of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system. The order and conditions of receiving updates are specified in a registration card of the software product.

Version 8.2.15 of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform

New version of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures stable functioning and safety of data in a client-server usage mode. Installation of upgraded version is recommended to the users working with client-server version of the platform – versions 8.2.13 and 8.2.15. Upgraded version will be available to all subscribers to information and technology maintenance.

Installation of version is recommended to the users of versions 8.2.13 and 8.2.15 of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform working with client-server version of the platform.

How to define the version of the platform used by you? 1. Start "1C: Enterprise 8.2". 2. Open the main menu, the point "Reference", the point "About the Program". 3. On the opened form opposite to a logo of 1C Company you will find the version information of the platform: the version number is specified in brackets. How to define an operation mode with the platform? Users of basic versions of programs of 1C work in the file mode. In this case updating is not obligatory.

For users of not basic versions of programs check of an operation mode with the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform is recommended: 1. Start "1C: Enterprise 8.2". 2. Open the main menu, the point "Reference", the point "About the Program". 3. Attentively study the section Operation mode. Updating installation is recommended to those at whom it is specified "server" or "web and server" (with existence of the address http://).

How to receive updating? The registered users of programs of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system having the operating subscription to the information and technology maintenance (ITM) will be able to update the platform. For this purpose it is necessary to load new version from August release of a disk of ITS or from the user support website.

Support of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Windows 8 in "1C:Enterprise 8"

Microsoft and 1C companies announced that starting with version 8.2.17 the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform supports work with new versions of key products of Microsoft: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 DBMS and the Windows 8 operating system (in the interface of a desktop). Thus, the companies expanded a portfolio of joint solutions and offered the Russian customers new opportunities for creation of the failsafe and distributed business systems and optimization of data processing.

Along with it the 1C company began sales of the new version of joint solution Microsoft SQL Server 2012 for users "1C:Enterprise 8" allowing partners to offer to the clients more advantageous conditions at acquisition at the same time of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 DBMS.

"We cooperate with Microsoft company already long ago. Joint products of 1C and the Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office, etc. were always in great demand at our users. Recognition of 1C Company by the winner in category Microsoft ISV Russian Partner 2012 became the next evidence of success of our cooperation. We are sure that our new common offering "1C:Enterprise 8" will deserve Microsoft SQL Server 2012 for users popularity at clients, and the wide network of partners 1C will make it available in all regions of the country" — Igor Shipilov, the head of department of distribution of 1C Company commented.

"Sales of products of 1C complete with the Microsoft SQL Server grew more than twice, having become the most popular drawing solution based on the Microsoft SQL Server among the Russian developments. It is in many respects caused by consecutive development of 1C of support of Microsoft SQL Server technologies and also joint programs of training of partners and promotions of the solution on the market. We are glad to a new stage of development of cooperation with our strategic partner — 1C company thanks to which our customers will receive the effective platform for business management" — Svetlana Likhareva, the Head of Department of server products of Microsoft in Russia reported.

Besides, 1C and Microsoft will continue to tell the partners and customers about advantages of new products, thereby offering for them new opportunities and prospects of business development. For example, in 2012 the Microsoft company acted as the golden sponsor of conferences "Solutions 1C for business: effective management and accounting" which took place in 9 regional centers of Russia. On actions it was in detail told about opportunities of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and vertical solutions based on "1C:Enterprise 8". In 2013 it is also going to carry out a wide number of the activities directed to promotion of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Windows 8 among partners and users of 1C.

A number of the Russian companies already estimated advantages of joint work "1C: Enterprise 8.2" and Microsoft SQL Server 2012. So, implementation of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 DBMS as the platform for business systems "1C: Enterprise" in Svyaznoy group allowed to construct the system of operational synchronization of data and to integrate in the unified information system of more than 2300 shops of network. Unique opportunities of DBMS, such as transport SQL Server Service Broker mechanism and technology of maintenance of high availability AlwaysOn, helped to increase the speed of synchronization of the reporting between shops of network and head office more than by 30 times and to considerably increase reliability of a system in general.

See Also