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Evidently AI



Y Combinator - 7%



+ Graham Paul

Apparently AI is a Russian startup founded in 2020 by Elena Samuylova and Emeli Dral, who previously worked at Yandex Data Factory. The company develops open source tools (Open Source) that are used to evaluate and track the quality of machine learning models created from open data. The tool does not create a model for analysis, but evaluates and tracks the quality of models created based on available data.


2021: Raising $125 thousand

In early August 2021, it became known about the investment of $125 thousand in Apparently AI. The startup raised funds from the American venture fund Y Combinator, which, following the results of the transaction, received 7% in the project. It turns out that the entire Apparently AI is valued at $1.79 million. More detailed parameters of the transaction are not disclosed, as well as plans for the use of attracted investments.

The Russian developer of open tools for assessing the quality of machine learning, Apparently AI, raised $125 thousand.

By early August 2021, the project is at an early stage of development, the team plans to create a full-fledged platform for monitoring. For individual users and small teams, the tool will be free, the company plans to earn on the cloud version of the platform for teams that do not want to run it themselves. Also, Apparently AI is considering the option of creating a product according to the open core model, in which some functions for large companies will be paid.

According to Elena Samuilova, co-founder of Apparently AI, the main value of the investment transaction lies in access to specialists and experts from other companies, investors, since selection to the accelerator goes through high competition.

Samuylova emphasized that when using predictions of machine learning models, a tool is needed that shows how much data can be trusted. This tool will be Apparently.[1]
