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2023/07/24 18:35:03

Digital Twins in Healthcare


Digital Twin of Organization (DTO)

Main article: Digital Twin of Organization (DTO)


Why to the Russian Ministry of Health digital doubles of the medical organizations and medics

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation intends to ensure the formation of digital twins for all medical organizations in the country and their employees. This is stated in the minutes of the extended meeting of the board of the department dated May 11, 2023.

The use of digital twin technologies for clinical guidelines, procedures and standards of care is expected to provide the health care professional with the information he needs daily in digital form. And this will contribute to the transformation of the medical industry in the Russian Federation, stimulating the massive use of digital solutions. In particular, medical institutions will be able to digitalize planning and management processes.

Why to the Russian Ministry of Health digital doubles of the medical organizations and medics

The digital twin of the medical organization is an information system that contains all the necessary data about the clinic and allows you to track all processes, including licensing, accreditation of health workers, interaction with other information systems. The digital profile will include data on activities, equipment, etc. In total, 96 thousand medical institutions will have digital doubles in Russia. In the case of medical workers, digital twins will contain information about professional competencies and labor activity. Such profiles will receive approximately 2.14 million employees.

It is about forming a single digital ecosystem that brings together clinics, HCWs, patients and ensures the safety, confidentiality and reliability of medical data processing. For example, a comprehensive platform based on digital twins will allow you to accompany the patient, make all his diagnoses and analyzes of the state of health in the electronic medical record, as well as prompt the specialist algorithms for working with the patient. In addition, it will be possible to promptly receive data on the structure of medical institutions, doctors, their professional competencies, education, work experience, etc.[1]

How "Invitro" uses digital twins to develop the network

In mid-June 2023, it became known about the introduction of digital twin technology at Invitro to build and develop a network of offices and medical laboratories. The project was implemented by Marketing Logic. Read more here.

How medical digital twins are created in Russia

By the end of 2023, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation will complete work on the creation of digital doubles of medical specialists and medical organizations. This follows from the minutes of the extended meeting of the board of the department dated May 11, 2023, sent to the participants of the event and industry experts.

According to the passport of the "Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Healthcare of the Russian Federation," we are talking about the creation of digital twins of 96 thousand medical institutions in the country and 2.14 million medical workers. The digital profile of the clinic includes activities, staffing, equipment, and a health worker: information about his professional competencies and labor activity.

The Ministry of Health by the end of the year will create digital doubles of 96 thousand medical organizations and 2.14 medical workers

It also follows from the document that the result of the digital transformation of health care should be the creation of a digital twin of the medical organization and clinical recommendations, procedures and standards of medical care.

In addition, until 2030 in Russia it is planned to create a digital double of clinical recommendations, procedures and standards for the provision of medical care. Such a project, as conceived by the Ministry of Health, will provide the medical worker with the information he needs daily in digital form, stimulating the massive use of digital technologies for medical workers.

The use of digital twin technologies for medical organizations will digitalize the planning and management processes of the healthcare industry, the strategy passport says.

The basis of the digital twin in primary care may be the vertically integrated medical information system "Prevention," which was planned to be created by the end of 2021, but the thematic tender of the National Medical Research Center of Preventive Medicine for the selection of contractors was suspended due to a complaint to the Moscow OFAS filed by LLC Laboratory of Medical Information Systems "Element."

Passport Strategies for the digital transformation of the Healthcare industry until 2024 and for the planning period until 2030

Capabilities of digital twins when servicing medical equipment

Digital twins are being talked about in many areas today. In industry, they help to manage automated production, in telecommunications - to monitor networks and adjust load distribution, in the automotive industry - to adjust the ICE settings to the wishes of the owner.

If we talk about medical technology, this is a certain model that is "known" about the state of real equipment - the representation of the device in the information system, characterized by the current values ​ ​ of certain indicators (as well as their change over time). Analytical agencies like Gartner and Accenture see great promise in digital twin technology, expecting increased investment in this area from healthcare organizations in the near future. Read more here.

The United States has allocated millions to create a digital twin of the health care system

The National Institutes health care USA (NIH) has provided Cleveland Clinic researchers with a $3.14 million grant to create a digital twin of the health care system. This is stated in an official statement published on February 21, 2023. More. here


Creating a Digital Heart Twin

At the end of May 2022, the NCMU "Digital Biodesign and Personalized Healthcare" of the first Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov announced the creation of a digital double of the human heart. This development, according to the creators, can become a tool for the work of not only scientists and students, but also medical workers. At the time of the announcement of the technology, it is already being used as an educational tool at the university. Read more here.

Creating a Digital Neck Double

At the end of March 2022, the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin) announced the creation of a digital double neck for effective planning of thyroid surgery. Read more here.

2021: Introduction of digital twins in Russian healthcare

At the end of August 2021, the head of the Ministry of Health of the RFMikhail Murashko announced the creation of a digital twin in the health care system.

The project, which is being introduced as an initiative,... this is a new approach to the analytical part, the accompaniment of the patient himself is transformed... In fact, we must create a digital twin of the health care system, the minister said in an interview with the Russia 24 TV channel.

According to Murashko, the new system will accompany the patient, enter all his diagnoses and health tests into the digital map, as well as prompt the doctor algorithms to work with the patient. The changes are aimed at saving doctors from routine. As part of this project, it is planned to change the approach to monitoring and accompanying the patient, he added.

The head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Murashko announced the introduction of digital twins in healthcare

In healthcare, digital twins are most often used in the creation of patient health TECont with the ability to analyze data and transfer it to doctors for decision-making.

In addition, a digital twin can be created for the entire medical organization to improve efficiency at different stages of operational management. This concerns the coordination of business processes, clinical decision-making, patient path, procurement, and so on. For example, a digital twin can help with optimizing bed capacity utilization, physician schedules, and organizing a safe environment. An element of the digital twin system is the Internet of Things. According to PwC forecasts, the introduction of such services into the segment of inpatient medical care in Russian health care could save up to 536 billion rubles in 2017-2025. In particular, the savings on the treatment of chronic patients will amount to 160 billion rubles, the redistribution of the load of medical staff will save another 148 billion rubles, and the optimization of stocks of medicines and equipment - 228 billion rubles.[2]
