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Баннер в шапке 2

Tekvel Development optimized costs at the Rossetei facility in Kuzbass

Customers: Rosseti Siberia

Krasnoyarsk; Power

Product: Tekvel Park
Second product: R&D

Project date: 2021/05  - 2021/11
Project's budget: 250 000 000 руб.

2021: Benjerep-2 substation start-up

On December 22, 2021, the launch of the highly automated 110 kV substation Benjerep-2 (a branch of Kuzbassenergo - PJSC Rosseti Siberia) took place. One of the suppliers of solutions for equipping the facility was TEKVEL Development, a resident of Skolkovo. Digitalization of the substation cost a total of 250 million rubles.

The launch ceremony of the Benjerep-2 substation took place in video communication mode with the participation of the head of the Rosseti company Andrei Ryumin and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the RFAlexander Novak.

Substations provide electricity to tens of thousands of residents, industrial and socially significant facilities. As a result, the reliability and quality of the power supply will increase, it will be possible to connect new consumers. I note that the energy infrastructure is being gradually updated in the country, "said Alexander Novak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

The Skolkovo resident introduced two solutions at once at the Benjerep-2 substation. The first was created as part of the joint R&D of PJSC Rosseti Siberia and TEKVEL Development LLC. The software and hardware complex of a single server platform is designed to ensure the functioning of various subsystems on a failover server cluster. The development will reduce the number of servers on the energy facility. This will optimize the capital and operating costs of the electric grid company.

On the basis of a single server platform, the company's second solution was installed - the Tekvel Park digital communications monitoring and diagnostics system. A digital advisor who monitors all data flows, captures errors and makes timely recommendations to employees to eliminate and prevent them.

This substation is unique in terms of the number of applied innovative solutions implemented by 'Rosseti Siberia' together with 'TEKVEL Development'. A single server platform for 35-110 kV digital substation subsystems using virtualization tools, developed as part of our joint R&D, is being piloted. Also, Rosseti Siberia specialists took advanced training courses at the training center of our company, which ensured the readiness of specialists to operate the Benjerep-2 digital substation and implement new digital substations in accordance with the concept of "Digital Transformation 2030," said Vladislav Nesterov, head of the business and commerce development sector of TEKVEL Development.

The set of solutions will increase the reliability of the power center and the quality of power supply to consumers.