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Fit Service (Fit Autoservice)



Rossko (Rossko-K), Holding - 34%
Sergey Borisovich Kiziev - 66%
(effective December 30, 2014)


Fit Service (Fit Avtoservis LLC) - a network of car services.


2023: Rebranding

The international network of auto services FIT SERVICE updates the logo, corporate identity, external and internal design of the stations. But most importantly, along with the external way, the internal content of the brand has changed. The company announced this April 6, 2023.

The rebranding reflects the growth of the company and the status of the car service network, which comprehensively solves the problems of car service.

When developing the updated brand book, we relied on the legacy of the past logo, but made it more relevant, consistent with the level of development of our company, "said Tatyana Ovchinnikova, director of the FIT SERVICE international network of car services. - We retained our positive orange color as the basis of the brand identity, but transformed the logo. The thin lines changed to a massive, confident, modern font. The logo reflects the status of the business, its growth and success.

As of April 2023, FIT SERVICE unites more than 300 car services in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as its own FIT LAB training center and FIT FLEET online fleet maintenance system. The FIT SERVICE team is more than 3 thousand employees in 152 cities.

The changes that have taken place with the business over the past decade have been so significant that there has been a need for rebranding. It was important for us that the new image fully comply with the current principles and mission of the company. FIT SERVICE is no longer just a car service, but a company that fully takes care of the car, "added Tatyana Ovchinnikova. - These meanings formed the basis of the updated brand.

Stations with an updated design have already begun to open in Russia and Kazakhstan. A special design project is being developed for each car service of the network. In addition, the appearance of the site and mobile application is gradually changing. Merch and printing have already been completely updated.