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AgroEco Group automated logistics processes using the ATI.SU Sites SaaS service

Customers: AgroEco

Product: ATI.SU: ATI Sites

Project date: 2021/12  - 2022/06

2022: Automation of logistics processes with SaaS service

On June 27, 2022 freight exchange ATI.SU , it announced that AgroEco"," a group of companies in the agricultural sector, optimized the process from shipment of goods across CFD Russia with the help SaaS platform ATI.SU Sites of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange ecosystem. Due to this, it was possible to increase the transparency of the choice of performers and determine the cost of transportation. Efficiency in a number of areas in the first months of work reached 10%.


In connection with growth and development, AgroEco Group of Companies was faced with the fact that logistics processes became insufficiently effective. For example, a lot of work was done manually, there were no objective criteria for choosing a carrier, often it was necessary to work at inflated rates. Having studied various platforms that allow optimizing these processes, the company settled on the SaaS platform "ATI.SU Sites." It allows you to automate the process of organizing the transportation of cargo: from finding an executor to controlling transportation in real time and exchanging documents upon completion of work and is free for carriers.

The transition to the platform took two months. By June 2022, AgroEco has 5 closed ATI.SU Sites, but this is not the only functionality that the company uses within the ATI.SU Freight Exchange services ecosystem.

For example, the ATI.SU Exchange is used for the initial search for hired vehicles, and trading among performers is already being held through the closed ATI.SU Sites. Also on the AgroEco Exchange is looking for loading and return flights for its own vehicles, for example, for its own refrigerated trucks and steamers.

Using the tools of the ATI.SU Exchange, the company began to monitor the market, the main directions are viewed through the issuance of cargo at the request of the rate. When displaying goods, the market reaction is "tested," what prices, transportation terms, or whether there is a general interest in cargo. The pricing process, thanks to automation, has become much more flexible. By June 2022, the company switched to price adjustments once a month.

Automation of processes also led to an increase in the percentage of closing of applications and to a decrease in the processing time of applications by a logist. This functionality, in general, does not depend on the logist. It is dealt with by a junior specialist who does not communicate directly with carriers, but controls the already automated distribution process.

To track the results, AgroEco uses all the standard reports of the ATI.SU Exchange: a report on trading efficiency and a report on the effectiveness of carriers, and plans to connect a report on employees. This will help you understand which of the team conducts trading more efficiently and is able to build algorithms correctly.

"Within the framework of the project, we were able to study the intricacies of processes at the enterprise from the agrosphere. We understood what improvements our system requires, taking into account the specifics of this industry. We have developed valuable cooperation with our colleagues from AgroEco - with open dialogue and mutual interest in joint development. We hope that the experience gained will be useful when working with other clients from the agricultural industry, "

noted Daria Sizova, leading key customer specialist at the ATI.SU Freight Exchange