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Lighthouse (blockchain platform)

Developers: Lighthouse (fintech company)
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2022
Branches: Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

2022: Running a Token

The digital financial ecosystem fintech company Lighthouse has launched a digital token on its blockchain platform. The pilot project was implemented jointly with VTB Factoring, said Anatoly Aksakov, head of the State Duma's financial market committee, at the end of June 2022. We are talking about the launch of the first Russian token on the blockchain platform authorized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

As explained in VTB Factoring, as part of the transaction, the issuer's commercial debt pool was tokenized on the platform of the Lighthouse information system operator, after which VTB Factoring bought out this issue of a digital financial asset (CFA). Thus, the first issue and placement of digital financial assets secured by monetary requirements was made, the company noted.

The first Russian token on the blockchain platform authorized by the Central Bank has been launched

In fact, the token was issued according to the scheme of issuing short-term commercial bonds, as collateral of which funds are used, which the investor may require. According to the general director of VTB Factoring Anton Musatov, the new technology for financing commercial debt also greatly simplifies Russian business access to capital to solve operational problems.

Unlike the standard factoring procedure, a customer does not need to enter into a service contract to assign a commercial debt. The issuer's decision to issue CFA on a digital platform and the factor's consent to acquire it are enough, "he said.

Thanks to the tokenization of commercial debt, companies are able to multiply reduce the time for obtaining financing at relatively low operating costs, according to VTB Factoring.

Lighthouse is developing a digital factoring platform with an exchange-traded financing model based on the competition of financial institutions for the ability to finance supplies. The company is included in the register of information system operators for the issue of CFA, which is maintained by the Central Bank.[1]

