Customers: Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) Moscow; State and social structures Contractors: M2M Telematics Product: GLONASSProject date: 2009/09
Cooperation of M2M Telematics Group and Federal Road Agency (FRA) within the delivery contract of the telematic equipment of a single automated system of navigation control. In 2009 M2M Telematics supplied 3,688 thousand sets of the navigation and coherent equipment. For today the Telematics M2M and FDA project is the largest in the field of implementation of GLONASS technologies in a transport complex of Russia.
Based on implementation of solutions GLONASS/GPS economy of fuel of the companies having large vehicle fleets reaches 30%, the total operating costs for transportation of goods are reduced by 20%, depreciation expenses and repair of transport are reduced. Also considerably the effective management of transportation process increases.