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PNIPU: A mathematical model for predicting the development of breast cancer

Developers: PNIPU Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/08/12
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

The main articles are:

2022: Announcement of a mathematical model for predicting the development of breast cancer

On August 12, 2022, representatives of the Perm Polytechnic University announced that the model of scientists of the Perm Polytechnic University would be able to predict the development of cancer.

Image:Инв карц.jpg
Map of Invasive Carcinoma Structures According to Main Control Parameters

As reported, according to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is for August 2022 the most common cancer among women. Malignant neoplasm is characterized by growth, so the development and course of the disease is difficult to predict.

Perm Polytechnic scientists have developed a mathematical model that allows reproducing tumor growth dynamics. Practitioners will be able to use the developed algorithm to establish the diagnosis in the shortest possible time and determine the most effective course of treatment.

Program code

The results of the work of scientists are published in the journal Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomenena, 2022. The development was carried out with the support of the Priority-2030 Academic Strategic Leadership Program.

The mathematical model of Permian scientists is able to take into account the geometry and type of cancer cell.

A histological section of a malignant formation is received by an oncologist for diagnosis. We reproduce this object using mathematical modeling. The model we developed allows us to look at the evolution of the tumor as a whole. So we can get a slice of malignancy at any given time.

told Dmitry Bratsun, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Applied Physics, PNIPU

Each cell is a polygon. The number of sides of a polygon is an individual characteristic of each cell. The development of malignancy in the epithelium means the appearance of at least one more type of cell in the tissue. The mathematical model allows two separate sets of parameters that determine the dynamics of healthy and cancerous tissue. So the behavior of a cancer cell is not only significantly different from the behavior of a healthy one, but also depends on the position that it occupies in the cellular "society" of the tumor.

Epithelial tissue is represented by a discrete object, where each cell is a pixel. On the one hand, this fact optimizes the analysis because the cell sets the natural scale for any structure that appears in the tissue. On the other hand, any cell tissue itself exhibits a certain pattern that we must evaluate in terms of entropy and complexity measurements.

supplemented by Ivan Krasnyakov, head of the laboratory of the Department of Applied Physics, PNIPU

Ivan Krasnyakov

The algorithm of Perm scientists was first used to assess the structures of a malignant neoplasm. The results of the work of polytechnics can be used to objectively classify tumor structures, which is an auxiliary tool for oncologists.

In the future, scientists plan to develop a program for medical institutions that will determine the structural type of malignant breast tumor from a photograph of histological material.