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Astra and IzhSTU signed a cooperation agreement

Customers: Izhevsk State Technical University (IzhSTU)

Product: Astra Linux Common Edition

Project date: 2021/12  - 2022/06

2022: Signing a cooperation agreement and accelerating the preparation of the IT personnel

and GC "Astra" IzhGTU signed a cooperation agreement. This was reported by the Astra Group of Companies on August 19, 2022. The partners will create all the conditions for effective training of specialists in - Russian IT products at the university: they will equip classes, OS Astra Linux jointly work out specialized educational programs and methodological materials, implement other projects.

The document provides for the creation of specialized classes equipped with Astra Linux for classes in specialized disciplines, training of teachers who will be involved in the educational process and in the joint development of educational programs, educational and methodological materials dedicated to the domestic OS and other products of Astra Group of Companies, as well as the implementation of various projects related to the implementation and maintenance of IT systems based on the vendor's software.

In addition, various measures are planned to promote Russian technologies and familiarize students of IzhSTU with domestic developers of software and hardware. In particular, it is planned to attract students to participate in the Astra-Career project: after training in one of the disciplines, they will be able to undergo certification and internship from the vendor, which significantly increases the chance of their further employment in IT companies. Moreover, the opportunity is open for them to win the competition and receive an additional scholarship from Astra Group during the semester.

Astra Group has been systematically developing cooperation with key educational organizations of the country for several years, and more than 300 of them have already become our partners. The signing of an agreement with IzhSTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov, one of the major technical universities of the Volga Federal District, will jointly build a system of high-quality training of qualified specialized personnel, which will speed up IT import substitution in various areas of the region's economy. In 2022, this is very important, since for a successful transition to domestic technologies, it is not enough to simply purchase this or that software, you definitely need specialists who know how to work with it professionally. The company is ready to invest resources in their training, so Astra Group supports talented students,
noted Fedor Kirdyashov, Director of the Education Department of Astra Group of Companies.

Direct cooperation with a large vendor of domestic IT solutions allows the university to receive knowledge and support directly from the developer, as well as create joint projects and hold events. This will certainly increase the quality of education, and the opportunity to participate in the Astra Group programs for students will support their motivation for new achievements in studies and science. The university has high hopes for this partnership,
emphasized Andrey Kopysov, Ph.D., associate professor, vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities of IzhSTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov.