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Ralf Ringer (LEAD WMS)

Customers: Ralf Ringer

Moscow; Trade

Product: LEAD WMS

Project date: 2016/04  - 2017/10

2017: Tomilino Warehouse Complex Automation

LogistiX has completed the automation project of the high-tech robotic warehouse complex RALPH RINGER. The intelligent symbiosis of the warehouse management system LEAD WMS and modern technologies made it possible to organize effective management of warehouse processes in real time.

RALF RINGER Russian shoe is a brand with a wide range of men's, women's and children's shoes, as well as accessories. The company has existed since 1996 and annually confirms the status of one of the leaders in the country's shoe market. RALF RINGER is online store a wide retail chain (more than 150 stores in, and To Moscow St. Petersburg others) Russian cities and high-tech production.

The warehouse complex in Tomilino has an area of ​ ​ 10,800 m2 (class A +) and processes more than 20,000 SKUs. The capacity reaches 15,000 shipping lines per day.

The Russian LEAD WMS solution manages all intralogistics processes and connects three systems: the AS&RS AutoMHA automatic container storage system with 6 stacker cranes, the Interroll 98-jester automated sorting system with a conveyor, and the corporate enterprise management system.

The tasks of the large-scale automation project were to increase storage density, reduce the need for personnel in high-load processes such as picking and sorting, and avoid the human factor, as well as increase the flexibility of processes for handling piece picking, complex sorting algorithms and cross-docking.

A number of solutions have been developed and implemented that allow you to control the recruitment process in AutoMHA and on the sorter, which makes it possible to plan the number and composition of objects in advance and collect a large number of orders at a time. When you start a wave of orders, the employee can choose how the orders that are part of the wave are further processed, which reduces the number of operations and, as a result, the time taken to process one order. As a result of the LEAD WMS Warehouse Management System implementation, WMS optimized the time and amount of resources in the order acceptance and set of materials processes, the productivity per person-hour increased by 30%, and the number of errors decreased by 70%.