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The NRNU MEPhI launched a virtual nuclear reactor

Customers: National Research Nuclear University NRNU MEPhI

Product: Virtual Reality Projects

Project date: 2021/04  - 2022/12



Virtual Nuclear Reactor Demonstration Start-up

On December 20, 2022, the MEPhI National Research Nuclear University announced the passage of a demonstration launch of a virtual nuclear reactor, which is a digital twin of the IRT MEPhI research reactor located at the university.


The demonstration launch was attended by employees of the NRNU MEPhI participating in the development of the digital twin of the IRT, and students of the Belarusian State University, who undergo an annual practice at Moscow University. Guests from Belarus were able to observe the work of the reactor operator at the console and ask questions. Explanations to the students were given by the developers of a digital double under the leadership of the deputy director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Technology of the NRNU MEPhI Professor Georgy Tikhomirov.

The role of the operator was played by Pavel Kiryukhin, an engineer at the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Technology, who worked in a virtual reality helmet. This allowed him to be, as it were, inside the remote reactor, his movements accurately reflected the actions of the operator. Turning his head, the operator could demonstrate to the audience on the computer screen not only the room of the remote control and the readings of the devices, but also the Cherenkov glow over the core of the virtual reactor when the nominal power was reached.

The reactor was started up in full compliance with the regulations established for IRT MEPhI. Those gathered could observe the change in instrument indicators on the remote control. At the same time, the operator specifically made mistakes twice to demonstrate the emergency release of the emergency protection rods.

The operation of the virtual reactor is based on mathematical models, which were validated using data obtained over 40 years of operation of the IRT MEPhI reactor.

Several scientific groups are working on the creation of a digital reactor twin in December 2022. Specialists of the laboratory of virtual and augmented reality and the department of theoretical and experimental physics of nuclear reactors develop mathematical models of physical processes occurring inside the reactor and design scenarios for the operation of the virtual reactor. Operating personnel of IRT MEPhI provide advisory assistance. Employees of the Higher Engineering School took over the creation of geometric models of all material elements of the reactor.

According to Georgy Tikhomirov, the created digital twin is a next-generation simulator, development, operation, and most importantly, the scaling of which can be carried out cheaper and faster than in the case of traditional full-scale simulators "in metal." In particular, it is relatively easy to organize remote work on a virtual simulator.

In 2023, a cycle of laboratory work and educational materials will be developed for the digital reactor, involving various scenarios for the operation of the research reactor. At the same time, it is planned to consider not only normal operation modes, but also extreme situations associated with equipment failure. In the future, the creation of a virtual nuclear installation, which can be used not only for educational, but also for research purposes.

Development of a digital twin of the MEPhI research reactor

At NRNU MEPhI, work is underway to create a digital twin of the MEPhI research reactor. A full-fledged start-up of the virtual reactor should take place before the end of 2022. The project is being implemented with the support of the Priority 2030 program.

To fully train nuclear students, workshops and a real acquaintance with the equipment with which they have to work or analogues are necessary. Internships at nuclear industry enterprises cannot fully cover the needs of the educational process in the formation of professional competencies.

An important role in training was once played by the MEPhI research reactor (IRT MEPhI), created in 1967. For October 2022, it is operated in a long-term stop mode: you can conduct excursions on it, but you cannot really get acquainted with its work.

In 2021, the creation of a digital twin IRT MEPhI began at NRNU MEPhI, which would allow students, firstly, to carefully consider all its technical elements and premises both outside and inside (including using virtual reality helmets), and secondly, it is possible to actually control the operation of the reactor using virtual desktops - and the "reactions" of the digital twin to the actions of operators must extremely accurately correspond to the properties of real technical systems.

Employees of several divisions of NRNU MEPhI were involved in the creation of a digital twin. Specialists of the Laboratory of Virtual and Augmented Reality INFiT and the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of Nuclear Reactors are developing digital models of physical processes occurring inside reactors and various scenarios of its operation; helps them in this, the operational personnel of the MEPhI IRT together with the chief engineer of the reactor Sergey Ozhereliev.

Employees of the Higher Engineering School took over the creation of geometric models of all material elements of the reactor, including equipment and premises. The process also involves specialists from the laboratory of simulator test benches, who have extensive experience in developing mathematical models of simulators of modern reactors.

In total, about 20 people work on the digital twin, and students and graduate students of the university are involved in the work on creating digital models. The project supervisor is Deputy Director of the INFiT, Professor Georgy Tikhomirov. According to him, all research reactors existing today are arranged approximately the same, but a significant plus of a digital reactor is that, unlike a real installation, the twin can be easily and quickly modernized.

In 2023, a series of laboratory work and educational materials will be developed for the digital reactor, which can be used by students not only at NRNU MEPhI, but also in other universities.