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Moscow Department of Transport began testing unmanned trams with passengers

Customers: Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of Moscow (DTiRDTI)

Moscow; State and social structures

Product: 1520: Tram Traffic Control System

Project date: 2021/01  - 2023/03

Main article: Unmanned trams

2024: Moscow Department of Transport began testing unmanned trams with passengers

On September 5, 2024, the Moscow Department of Transport announced the start of the second stage of testing unmanned trams, which for the first time in Russia began to carry passengers. These trams are already moving along urban routes, operating flights both with passengers and in empty mode.

As reported in the Telegram channel of the capital's Deptrans, the first unmanned tram of the Lion Cub-Moscow model runs along route No. 10, connecting Kulakova Street and the Shchukinskaya metro station. The entire movement process is under the control of an automatic system that is responsible for driving, stopping, opening and closing doors. At the same time, there is a driver in the cab who monitors safety and is ready to intervene in the management of transport at any time if necessary.

source = Moscow Department of Transport
Unmanned tram in Moscow

During the second stage of testing, a screen is installed in the tram cabin, which broadcasts data on the operation of the systems and allows passengers to watch how the car "sees" the surrounding space using a machine vision system. This makes it possible to assess the level of security and accuracy of autonomous technologies.

The launch of the first stage of the unmanned tram took place in 2024. Then internal tests were carried out with the verification of all technical solutions, including software and control systems. At the second stage, trams began to move with passengers on board. By the end of 2025, according to representatives of the department, trams are planned to be transferred to a completely unmanned mode of operation.

The head of the Department transport Moscow Maxim Liksutov noted that the introduction of unmanned technologies is aimed at improving the safety and efficiency of public transport.

"The system fully controls the operation of the transport, and the driver performs the function of an observer, which eliminates the possibility of emergency situations and provides a high level of safety for passengers," he said during the presentation of the second stage of testing.[1]

2023: Plan to Install Integrated Tram Traffic Management System at 30 Turnouts

The 1520 group of companies is introducing its own automated system for integrated management of tram traffic in Moscow - in 2023 it will be installed on 30 turnouts of the capital. The company announced this on April 4, 2023.

Our development initially assumed the prospect of reaching unmanned technologies, "said Alexander Dmitrenko, head of the urban rail transport division of the ZHAT GK 1520. - We have completed automatic control of turnouts, the next stage is to prepare the infrastructure and regulate remote monitoring of the operator over the movement of trams.

On-board tram devices send a command to switch the arrow to microprocessors on the switch via a radio channel. They identify the route and move the arrow to the desired direction. The system makes it possible for the driver to check the position of the arrows in advance - on the monitor or by signal signs - and pass them much faster than with the previous generation system on air contacts.

After equipping the system with the entire tram fleet, it will be possible not only to visually monitor the current location of the tram on the map, but also to adjust the route, monitor the speed and mileage, the condition of the driver, and also receive information about the operation of floor infrastructure facilities.

The transition of the tram complex of the capital to an automated traffic control system will significantly increase the speed of trams following the arrows and increase the throughput of the entire traffic flow.

2021: Development and pilot operation of the system

November 29, 2021 1520 Group of Companies announced that she had developed a smart one. tram traffic control system She went through two stages of trial operation and received permission to use it at infrastructure facilities. transport Moscow

Specialists of the Division of Railway Automation and Telemechanics GK 1520 equipped switches with automatic devices. The tram installed sensors that continuously emit a signal, and the switches on its path were equipped with microprocessor receivers. They pick up the signal of the approaching tram and automatically switch the arrow to the desired position.

According to 1520, the speed of travel at corners increases, while not only the tram travels faster, but also the entire traffic flow. The transfer of the arrow does not require any action from the carriage driver, he can fully focus on the road situation and ensure traffic safety.

The introduction of an automatic traffic control system is part of the modernization of the infrastructure of the tram transport of Moscow, the experience of the capital is replicated to the regions.[2]
