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Federal State Information System of Human Rights Commissioners (FGIS UPC)

Developers: Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation
Date of the premiere of the system: April 2023
Branches: State and social structures


2023: Product Announcement

In early April 2023, it became known about the creation in Russia of the Federal State Information System of Human Rights Commissioners (FGIS UPCH). About 332 million rubles have been allocated for the implementation of the project.

According to CNews with reference to materials on the public procurement website, the FGIS UPC creates the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia, which is engaged in restoring the violated rights of Russian citizens, foreign citizens or stateless persons by considering their complaints and appeals about the actions of officials of public authorities. The results of the tender are planned to be summed up on April 24, 2023.

FGIS UPC is designed to automate the activities of the Commissioners for Human Rights

According to the terms of reference, the FGIS UPC is designed to automate the activities of the UPC related to the restoration of violated rights of citizens by considering their complaints about the actions of officials and public authorities. The system should make it possible to increase the efficiency of the IF and affect the speed of consideration of requests. In addition, the system should ensure "monitoring of electronic media and social networks in order to identify information about violations of human and civil rights and freedoms," follows from the terms of reference. The FSIS will also help visualize data to "control and monitor peak values ​ ​ in changing the state of compliance with situations in the country and regions" related to ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens and supporting optimal decision-making.

It is assumed that the system will be able to work out at least 300 thousand appeals from citizens annually. The system will receive all requests submitted online, by e-mail, in paper form, by phone, etc. Development frameworks and components compatible with the Gostech platform should be used in the FGIS UPC[1]