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Atomstroykomplex (SKB Techno Platform)

Customers: Atomstroykomplex

Yekaterinburg; Construction and construction materials industry

Contractors: SKB Techno
Product: SKB Techno Platform

Project date: 2023/01  - 2023/04

2023: Registration of transactions with the help of the State Department

The first remote transactions in the Sverdlovsk region, signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature from Gosklyuch, were registered by the developer Atomstroykompleks. To register, the developer used the SKB Techno platform.

The State Key application makes it possible to issue UKEP for individuals for free. This will require a confirmed account on Public services, a passport with biometrics (or data in the Unified Biometric System) and a phone with an NFC module.

"Atomstroykomplex switched to electronic registration of transactions using SKB Techno at the beginning of 2019," said Ilya Klementyev, General Director of SKB Techno. - And today, thanks to the technologies of remote identification of "State Lyucha," he can refuse to sign paper applications for the release of UKEP. It's great that the leading developers of Yekaterinburg are not afraid to use innovative technologies, thereby providing a simpler, more economical and convenient user experience. "