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Meat processing plant "Romkor" has developed its own software to optimize production

Customers: Romkor IPC

Agriculture and fishing

Project date: 2022/12  - 2023/06

2023: Software Development to Optimize Production

On July 26, 2023, the Romkor meat processing plant announced the development of its own software to optimize production.

The software is written in the domestic programming language: one of the old basic "box" solutions was taken as a basis, while all the key functionality, interfaces and integral processes were developed at Romkor based on the current requirements of technological processes and the specifics of the production of meat products.

Long before the sanctions of 2022, we decided that it was better not to depend on foreign suppliers of ERP solutions, such as SAP or Oracle. Therefore, we decided to create our own system immediately in the Russian programming language from scratch: each function was developed for a real task, taking into account the specifics of production. To improve the quality of the products themselves, increase the share of meat in the recipe and at the same time maintain accessibility for consumers, it was necessary to optimize production, minimize costs and the human factor, "said Sergei Fedorov, General Director of Romkor MPK.

We produce meat products with a surplus, we export about 50% to other regions. But, nevertheless, competition is growing in this market, and the buyer wants to get a quality product at an affordable price. In this situation, additional value growth can be obtained through the introduction of lean technologies, optimization of production processes, import substitution at all alterations - from the use of raw materials to the use of domestic equipment and intelligent systems, - commented the Minister of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region Alexei Kobylin.

In the current assembly, the Romkor ERP system has the following characteristics:

  • end-to-end process accounting and management system: from the receipt of raw materials to shipment to grocery stores in the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Kurgan regions, Perm Territory and Bashkiria;
  • touchscreen interface implemented on tablets for operators of each section of the production line;
  • own marking and reading system;
  • mechanism for monitoring and preventing defects, the use of inappropriate products, etc.;
  • optimization of supply of the required raw materials to the workshop - strictly according to the recipe of each specific product from the Romkor assortment;
  • automated interaction with customers - retail chains, taking into account the requirements of each network. Individual package of documents and marking. Barcodes for network requirements.
  • automatic generation of internal and external documentation;
  • creation of routine reporting and automated electronic document flow with state control bodies.

The company plans to further develop its own ERP system and expand its contour up to marketing and logistics tools at the stages from the purchase of raw materials to end-to-end sales analytics.