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The first fast electric charging station of Sberbank began to work in Lipetsk

Customers: Government of the Lipetsk region

Lipetsk; State and social structures

Product: PSS Ultra Fast Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles

Project date: 2023/03  - 2023/09

2023: Electric Charging Station Launch

Lipetsk The first fast one started working. electric charging station (ESS) Sberbank Now owners electric cars can charge car battery in just 20 minutes per 80%, while on standard ESVs this process can take from several hours to a day. Sberbank announced this on October 11, 2023.

To charge an electric car, the owner needs to install the ChargeService application on his phone. In it, you can pave a route to the desired ESV, see its availability and book time for charging. You can pay for the service with any bank card linked to the user's profile. There is round-the-clock technical support for car owners.

{{quote 'author = said Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank. | We are launching a very important project aimed at developing environmentally friendly transport in our country, and are launching the first electric charging station in Lipetsk. In the near future, we plan to install 10 more fast electric charging stations with a capacity of 150 kW each, which will allow charging more than 330 cars daily. EZSs have all available connectors for electric vehicles. The electric car on them can be charged to the 80% in just 20 minutes. This is fast, convenient and comfortable for drivers who have chosen a personal green electric transport for themselves. The number of autocars in the Lipetsk region, as well as in Russia as a whole, is growing, so we will develop the charging infrastructure of the region - by the end of 2024 the number of ESS in the region will exceed 20 stations,}}

{{quote 'author = noted Igor Artamonov, Governor of Lipetsk Region. | Lipetsk region can be called the flagship of the development of ecological transport. We have a factory for the production of electric cars of the brand. Evolute A network of charging stations is developing - EZS is not only in cities, but also in municipalities. In parallel with this, gas engine transport and the corresponding infrastructure are actively developing. In both areas, the region has a development strategy aimed at improving ecological the situation,}}

Installation, installation and further maintenance of the entire infrastructure will be implemented by SberService. The project for the construction of EZS in the region is being implemented within the framework of an agreement signed in 2023 between Sberbank and the Government of the Lipetsk Region. Cooperation is aimed at the sustainable development of the Lipetsk region through digital and ESG transformation, as well as stimulating research and innovation activities.

{{quote 'author = told Alexey Yevtushenko, CEO of SberService. | It was important for SberService not only to support the trend towards the development of green technologies, but also to contribute to their development. In 2023, we will launch the first 11 ESS - we do not plan to stop there and will continue to develop the charging infrastructure of the region and scale the project in the Central Black Earth region,}}

ESS is assembled by the PSS Corporation - a Perm manufacturer of electrical equipment and is 85% composed of components developed and made in Russia: from cases to connectors and microcircuits.