Customers: Dipo Togliatti; Mechanical and Instrument Engineering Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0Project date: 2021/04 - 2021/06
Number of licenses: 150
Content |
2021: Automation of accounting on the basis of PP "1C:ERP Enterprise Management + Document Management" in LLC "DIPO"
About Customer
LLC DIPO"" is a joint venture of the French Plastic Omnium the Russian and the company, Detailed Construction Design the leader in Russia in the production of plastic fuel systems for cars ecological the standard Euro5 and Euro6. At the moment, DIPO has 3 production sites: in the city Togliatti (on the territory of DSK LLC), the village of Stavrovo and the city, and St. Petersburg the company's customers are the largest automakers in. Russia
The following functions are automated:
- ABC/XYZ Inventory Analysis
- ABC/XYZ Sales Analysis
- Bank and cash desk
- Budgeting, Financial Planning
- Settlements with customers
- Shop Level Production Dispatching
- End of period
- Commission trading
- Complete and disassembly of materials
- Control and accounting of serial numbers, expiry dates and certificates
- Leasing
- Logistics of the address warehouse
- Intangible assets
- Production Volume Scheduling
- Wholesale
- Fixed assets
- Customer Ordering
- Material Requirements Planning
- Capacity Requirements Planning
- Sales Planning
- Warehouse equipment connection
- Connection of sales equipment
- Production operations
- Distribution center
- Payroll and Personnel Accounting
- Calculation of standard cost of orders
- Settlements with counterparties
- Regulated reporting
- Product Redundancy
- Retail
- Inventory
- Trading operations
- Cash Management (Treasury)
- Order Warehouse Management
- Warehouse Inventory Management
- Inventory Sales Accounting
- Inventory accounting in shop storerooms
- Generation of payment receipt schedule
- Pricing, Price Lists
- Shop (shift) production planning
A paid 1S:ITS agreement has been drawn up.
The company's management set a goal to automate business on the basis of a modern system that has the ability to develop and perform the following tasks:
- improve business manageability and reduce user effort in an automated system
- automate management reporting
- comply with the requirements of the corporation (cyclic inventory, quality accounting, separate financial accounting, separate access to accounting information, etc.)
- meet the requirements of large customers of the automotive industry for enterprise accounting (FIFO, address storage, shelf life accounting, quality, delivery efficiency)
"+" was selected as the information system that meets all the requirements. 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2Document flow of KORP The contractor was the company 1C-Rarus"," which has extensive experience in comprehensive automation in large companies and has qualified specialists for the effective implementation of the project.
The company's specialists have qualitatively implemented the implementation of the information system. During the implementation of 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 + KORP Document Management, the following functional units were automated:
- RAS (Russian Accounting Standard)
- Budgeting
- Operational accounting:
- Volumetric Scheduling
- Sales
- Procurement
- Warehouse
- Treasury and Cash Accounting
- Production accounting
- Production Planning and Scheduling
- Material consumption in the pantry
- Register MES Transactions
- Integration with equipment
As a result of implementation, the following was achieved:
- Complete traceability of batches of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products, the Treasury is automated, the number of overdue payments has decreased by 2 times.
- The internal document flow of the enterprise is automated in terms of accounting and approval of contracts, additional agreements, supplier orders. The speed of agreement of contracts increased 1.5 times.
- Automated complex address warehouse using shipping documentation.
- Online information on the performance of production operations, on the release of products, on the crushed materials in the pantry, by receiving information directly from the SQL system containing information from equipment (machines), has been achieved.
Works performed
The following works were performed:
- Delivery of software products to the customer's office
- Consulting on the choice of software and options for its maintenance
- Selling Selected Products
- Installing Software on Customer Computers
Customer Feedback
The introduction of the software product "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" + "KORP Document Management" made it possible to quickly assess the effectiveness of work and receive information for making management decisions.
100 workplaces were automated. During the work, training was carried out on techniques, procedure and methods of working with the program "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 + KORP Document Management." The system was put into commercial operation in June 2021. Currently, they are signed for information technology support of the PROF version.
Evaluation of the implemented information system according to the following parameters on a 5-point scale:
- Compliance with the needs of the organization (where "5" - "all the necessary capabilities are implemented in the information system") - 5
- Convenience of working with the program (where "5" - "working with the program is easy and comfortable") - 5
- Evaluate the quality of the partner's work "1C" (where "5" - "the partner's work is very satisfied") - 5
We express our gratitude to 1C-Rarus for mutually beneficial cooperation, qualified and timely assistance. We recommend using this software solution.