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On the basis of the Majordom system, a smart home will be implemented in the Zaryadnoye residential complex

Customers: Zhelezno Kirov Special Construction Worker

Kirov; Construction and Construction Materials Industry

Contractors: Philosopher, Kirov
Product: Philosopher: Majord Application for managing apartment buildings

Project date: 2023/04  - 2023/12



Implementation of a smart home in the residential complex "Zaryadnoye "

In November 2023, a presentation of the Zaryadnoye residential complex from the developer Zhelezno was held. The functions of the smart home in the complex will be implemented by the IT company "Philosopher" on the basis of its own mobile application "Majord." This was announced on December 14, 2023 by representatives of the Philosopher company.

Video surveillance functions will become available to every resident: cameras in the courtyard, entrance and elevators, opening the barrier and gate, intercom and dispatching. In the application for the smart home "Majordom," users can online take meter readings, pay receipts, start applications for repairs and maintenance for management companies, receive notifications of water leakage and entry into the apartment. The open configuration of the smart home will allow future residents to customize their own scenarios for using the system depending on the schedule of life and work.

"The smart home system is a new paradigm of engagement with the modern home. Everything is implemented here to increase the convenience and comfort of residents, save their time For the developer, who are already starting to introduce technologies into their projects, the future, "said Ivan Vlasov, director of the IT company" Philosopher. "

Creating a smart home in a boutique class house "Bulychev"

"Philosopher" on November 17, 2023 announced the creation of a smart home of class "A" - "Bulychev."

The smart home system is a new paradigm of interaction with a modern home and apartment, new scenarios for the lives of future residents. Readings of metering devices for the apartment data and from everyone CCTV cameras are available in real time from the screen, smartphone entry to the house is carried out automatically - by FaceID. The barrier to the internal parking lot or underground parking lot also opens independently after authorizations the car number of residents with the camera of the system, "" Majordomo said Anton Kholkin, head of the technical unit of the IT company "Philosopher."

In the boutique house "Bulychev" there are places for electric vehicles, and the charging process itself can be observed in a special application. "Majordom" allows you to create individual scenarios for using individual functions of an apartment - from turning on/off lights and sockets, to adjusting the temperature of radiators and automatically opening blinds or curtains - at the time necessary for the user. On any issue, "Majord" allows you to quickly contact the management company through the application, here you can pay for utilities. Majordom in the Bulychev residential complex is a smart home system that sets a new standard in the Russian premium housing market.