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Philosopher: Majord Application for managing apartment buildings

Developers: Philosopher, Kirov
Last Release Date: 2024/04/12
Branches: Real estate


Main article: Mobile applications


Integration with WAVIoT devices

Filosft has entered into a partnership agreement with the manufacturer of ISUE WAVIoT. This was announced by "Philosopher" on August 26, 2024.

Majord is an application that allows you to manage a smart home, including interacting with a management company: submit meter readings, track resource consumption statistics and make timely payment for utilities.

In order for this functionality to be available and work correctly in any of the residential complexes, a partnership agreement must be signed between Majordom and the manufacturer of metering devices installed in the house. Thus, at most facilities, Majordom has integrated with WAVIoT, which produces a full line of intelligent energy metering devices (meters for electric energy, water, gas, heat) and communication equipment for collecting, storing and transmitting data. WAVIoT is the developer of NB-Fi wireless data transmission technology (GOST 70036-2022) and the NB-Fi network provides high reliability and security data transmission. ​Tip integration of Majordom and WAVIoT - "cloud to cloud" - data exchange between servers. When installed and configured, the WAVIoT manufacturer's meters are displayed in the Majord smart home management application, where each resident can monitor meter readings and analyze resource consumption statistics.

Through this collaboration, we are able to offer our customers solutions to automate their homes and apartments, including the installation of water, gas and electricity metering systems. This will help them save resources and reduce utility costs. I am sure that this partnership will be mutually beneficial and will bring significant results both for our company and for partners, - said Ivan Vlasov, General Director of Philosophist.

Integration with Pulsar devices

The IT developer of the Majordom application and the manufacturer of energy metering devices Pulsar became partners. This was announced by Filosfot on June 7, 2024. Read more here.

The type integration of "Majordom" and "Pulsar" - "cloud to cloud" - is an exchange data between. servers During installation and setup, the metering devices of the Pulsar manufacturer are displayed in the Majord control application smart home , where each resident can control the meter readings.

Support for Sber ecosystem smart home devices

The Majordom application of the IT company Phylosoftware supports devices "smart" home of the Sber ecosystem that work through the Zigbee protocol. This was announced by Filosfot on April 12, 2024.

source = Philosopher

A completely updated Zigbee ruler is available to customers using the Majord application: a script button, motion, opening, temperature and humidity sensors. The devices connect to the smart hub "Majord" through Zigbee - this is an energy efficient protocol on which the sensors work for years without replacing the battery. The hub built into the central controller is controlled domestic software and compatible with Zigbee devices of other brands. Device and script management is available both in the Majord application and through the Sber application.Salute

The functions will work for those customers who have a central smart home controller and a Zigbee module installed inside the apartment. Also, functions will be available for new customers who will buy the Majord application with a smart apartment function.

We are open to cooperation with other players in the smart home market if it is aimed at strengthening each other with technologies and allows us to provide the most advanced service to users of the Majord mobile application, said Ivan Vlasov, director of the Philosopher IT company.


ChatGPT Implementation

The IT company "Philosopher," which creates digital products for real estate, is introducing ChatGPT into the mobile application for smart homes "Majordom." In the first iteration of the implementation, a function will be available for the management company. This was announced by "Philosopher" on December 21, 2023.

Management companies traditionally post news and various surveys on the app. Now, with the help of artificial intelligence, employees of the Criminal Code will be able to automatically improve the text of the message. Artificial intelligence will offer more beautiful and stylistically verified material. It will be enough for the MC to ask the team what needs to be told in the news or survey, and the AI will independently make a high-quality message from this.

In the near future, "Philosopher" also plans to add several more functions, including the creation of responses in chats on applications from residents. AI will offer a response option based on the text of the incoming message. And a separate chatbot in the application will be able to quickly give answers to questions from residents.

As of December 2023, Majord serves more than 80 apartment buildings in 6 Russian regions, today more than 16 thousand people use the product. The solution is integrated in the first smart home of class "A" in Russia - the house of the boutique class "Bulychev" in Kirov.

Adding a News Block

The IT company "Philosopher" on July 18, 2023 presented to users an updated application "Majord." A news block for a residential complex appeared on the main screen. It is also now possible to add any selected smart devices and CCTV cameras to the start screen.

Various scenarios have been added to the application, you can select the "I am at home" tab, and then a comfortable temperature will tune in, the light will turn on and the kettle will turn on. If you choose the "I am on vacation" scenario, all sockets will turn off and water will turn off.

As of July 2023, Majord successfully serves more than 80 apartment buildings in 6 Russian regions, more than 16 thousand people use the product. The solution is integrated in the smart home of class "A" - the house of the boutique class "Bulychev" in Kirov.

Add smart widgets

The "Majordom" application has added the function of creating "smart" widgets. The development company announced this on July 10, 2023.

The main screen can now be displayed observation cameras and the intercom system of the residential complex

For 9 months, the Philosopher development team conducted beta testing on 3,000 users of the application. Creating a widget on the home screen is available for operating systems iOS and. Android

Our main task is to provide the user with the most convenient service. The Majord application widget will allow residents to save time downloading the application. Users will immediately be able to see their child playing on the court on the cameras, or quickly open the door to guests, - commented Ivan Vlasov, director of "Philosopher."

Creating a smart marketplace

The IT company "Philosopher" on April 10, 2023 announced that it had developed a function for its own application "Majord." Now a marketplace of services will appear in the mobile ecosystem: a platform with which it will be possible to choose performers for certain works: from cleaning an apartment, walking dogs, calling a nanny to ordering a taxi or tickets to the theater. The pool of such partners management companies will be able to choose independently depending on the class of housing and the demand of residents of certain services. The functionality of the marketplace will allow management companies to receive additional income both from the sale of their own services and in the form of interest from the services of third-party contractors.

The goal of "Philosopher" is to make the mobile application for managing smart apartment homes as functional and useful as possible for all interested parties - developers, management companies and residents.

It will be enough for a resident of a new building to go to Majord and go to the marketplace, where all services with a brief description and prices will be registered. A loyalty and bonus program from each partner will also be implemented here. It, among other things, will include discounts from the management company and the developer, - commented Ivan Vlasov, director of Filosfot.

The Majordom application is a digital ecosystem and is a completely Russian development that meets all requirements for fault tolerance, secure storage and data processing.

As of April 2023, more than 16,000 residents of new buildings use the application.

In 2022, on the basis of the Majord application, an apartment building of the upper class "A" "Bulychev" from the federal developer "Zhelezno" was created.

2022: Inclusion in the register of domestic software

On November 25, 2022, the Majordom application was included in the register of Russian software Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation. The application was developed by the IT company "Philosopher" and is a digital ecosystem for developers, management companies and residents. Majord is a completely Russian development and fully meets all requirements for fault tolerance, safe storage and data processing.

"Majordom" allows you to improve the quality of life of people in apartment buildings, the developer provides additional margin, and the management company makes it possible to constantly increase the level of NPS.

Combining the efforts of IT companies working to create innovative and in-demand products by residents can be an effective support measure. construction industries Customers real estate are becoming more demanding on product quality, their demands are increasing, and special attention is paid to the presence of smart technologies in the house that save. time We are glad that we have confirmed the status of a completely Russian developer and can help developers create, regardless smart homes of geopolitical risks, - commented Ivan Vlasov, director of Filosoft.

As of November 2022, more than 16,000 residents of new buildings use the application.