Customers: Rusagro
Contractors: Lognex (MyWayhouse) Product: MyWayhouse (Internet service)Project date: 2010/10
Number of licenses: 50
The Lognex company announced in November, 2010 project completion on process automation of centralized operation by the movement of raw materials and finished goods at 7 sugar plants of Rusagro Group.
Fast business development of Rusagro resulted in need of centralized operation by the movement of raw materials and products at 7 sugar plants. The additional complexity to this task was given by a geographically-distributed structure of divisions of the company: the sugar plants were located in the Tambov and Belgorod regions, and management company - in the Moscow region.
The choice of the possible solution was made between several options, including completion and expansion of the existing accounting system of Microsoft Dynamics AX by forces of IT department of the company. Implementation of the online service of MyWayhouse developed by Lognex company allowed Rusagro to take advantage of the SaaS model and to transfer a number of functions of IT department to outsourcing in Lognex company.
Specialists Rusagro and Lognex jointly carried out the analysis of business processes of the company, performed necessary tuning of MyWayhouse service and its integration with the accounting system of Microsoft Dynamics AX. Start of the solution in operation took less than two months; now it ensures simultaneous operation more than 50 employees of Rusagro.
Ivanov Mikhail, the IT director of Rusagro Group comments: "Delays at document handling at the plants decreased from several days to several minutes. The personnel of the company got access to up-to-date information about products remaining balance that allowed to reduce production losses. Thanks to simple and to the intuitive interface of MyWayhouse service, personnel training involved the minimum costs. In our plans to use it until transition to the uniform integrated ERP solution for all enterprises".