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MIPT Cell Test System for Personalized Medicine

Developers: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/04/16
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: BMS - Decision Support System

The main articles are:

2024: Announcement of the development of a cell test system for the selection of optimal therapy

The cellular test system for personalized medicine was created by scientists of the Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Institute of Biophysics of the Future MIPT. Based on the patient's biomaterials, it provides a predictive analysis of his condition both when selecting the most suitable of the possible drugs, and for assessing the condition during treatment. The test system can be used in onco-therapy, for the analysis of cellular aging in age-related changes, as well as for the rehabilitation of postcoid syndrome. This was announced on April 16, 2024 by representatives of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

source = MIPT
Cellular Test System for Personalized Medicine

As reported, the individual approach is increasingly integrated into modern medicine - experts proceed from the fact that pathologies are becoming more diverse, and organisms are unique, and it is often impossible even after genetic screening to assess how a particular patient will respond to the impact of a particular drug. The responses to the same drug can be quite different.

In order not to load the patient with samples of different therapeutic strategies, not to waste time and resources on potentially ineffective procedures, a number of tests can be carried out in advance on the cells of a particular person in the laboratory, which will clearly predict the picture of the body's behavior in response to a set of drugs. This is the test system invented and implemented by MIPT scientists.

Our development allows not only to assess the drug pathomorphosis (change in the signs of an individual disease under the influence of the drug), but also the functional state of the cells of the microenvironment. The test system will be useful primarily for cancer patients, as well as in assessing the speed of tissue aging, assessing postcoid syndrome. The developed general approach, including experimental design, collection, processing and analysis of results obtained from the test system, will allow obtaining a sufficient pool of data, predicting the course of the disease, as well as selecting personalized therapy strategies.

told Elena Petersen, Project Manager, Ph.D., Head of the Center for Biomedical Technologies, IBB MIPT

source = MIPT
Cellular Test System for Personalized Medicine

Unlike the existing histology and immunohistochemistry standards for April 2024, where non-living or fixed cells are used, the method developed at MIPT works on living cells. This allows you to see the accelerated evolution of cell clones - the test, as it were, allows you to "push the film" forward faster: you can find out what changes and even damage to the cells of a particular organism will follow from therapeutic effects. The test also shows the process of developing resistance (resistance) to therapy with a certain drug.

Elena Petersen emphasized that in practice, usually after primary resection (surgery) there is about a month before the start of intensive care, when the patient is recovering from surgery. It is during this time spent testing using the system will help predict possible chains of consequences of future therapy and timely adjust or even change the treatment method.

Thus, the development will help choose the most suitable of the possible onco-therapies. It is important that the presented model takes into account cellular aging, as well as the consequences of past viral diseases, for example, post-covid syndrome. Various signs of cellular aging, damaged extracellular matrix and postcoid syndrome are factors that worsen the standard cellular response to drug actions.

As is known, according to the latest scientific ideas, under certain conditions and contexts, malignant and non-malignant cells with signs of aging can acquire protumorogenic (pro-tumor) properties. Including in the process of therapy, the process of "aging" of tumor cells can be observed, due to which they can become even more resistant and oncogenic. This means that they have a slight or negative response to therapy, despite its selectivity.
Petersen added

The work was carried out within the framework of the Priority-2030 project and is protected by official know-how.