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Polymatica analytical tools are included in the educational process of the Moscow State Pedagogical University

Customers: Moscow City Pedagogical University (GBEI HPE MGPU)

Moscow; Education and Science

Contractors: SL Soft
Product: Polymatica Dashboards

Project date: 2023/10  - 2024/04

2024: Use of Polymatica Software

Students Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU) study analytics data using ON Polymatica a company SL Soft that reported it on May 13, 2024.

Practice sessions of the course "Data Analytics. Application in the field of education "are held on the basis of BI-systems Polymatica: students master the designer of information panels Polymatica Dashboards, the tool Polymatica Analytics for multidimensional analysis and its Data Mining module for finding patterns in large volumes of data.

The course is part of an additional program of professional retraining in the IT field.

In addition to BI tools, students learn to write requests for, SQL create algorithms on, Python work in the Jupyter Notebook Google and in the Colaboratory environment, and use frameworks for creating and evaluating models (ML machine learning). They also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Polymatica ML product for creating and managing ML models.

Polymatica is an easy and easy to learn analytical platform, its addition to the study program gives our students the opportunity to gain data skills. Based on the results of successfully completed tasks, they receive certificates from the vendor, which adds practical value to the entire course program, - said Natalya Voznesenskaya, head of the additional professional retraining program "Data Analytics. Application in the field of education, "Deputy Director, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatization of Education of the Institute of Digital Education, GAOU HE MGPU.

We have a long history of partnership with MGPU: we cooperate with several departments and departments, participate in university events, our specialists conduct practical classes and master classes for students, the university has acquired several academic licenses for Polymatica solutions. In the future, it is planned to undergo practice at SL Soft for students of Moscow State Pedagogical University. We are happy to share knowledge and participate in the preparation of graduates, "commented Ivan Kroth, head of sales at SL Soft's Polymatica.