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NET Center has implemented 1C:PM Project Management in six months and optimized the productivity of teams

Customers: Neo, Neo (Neo Center)

Moscow; Consulting, including management and personnel

Contractors: 1C-Rarus
Product: 1C:PM Project Management

Project date: 2023/12  - 2024/05
Number of licenses: 50

2024: Transition to "1C:PM KOP Project Management"

On May 16, 2024, the company 1C-Rarus"" announced the completion of a project to transfer one of the consulting companies Russia from a foreign project accounting system to "." 1C:PM KORP Project Management The dependence on a foreign one has been eliminated, the software cost of owning the system has been halved. The implementation of the system made it possible to optimize control over financial data projects, create the possibility of developing the level of automation of project activities, which has a positive effect on the operational efficiency and manageability of the enterprise.

As reported, NEO Center JSC is a consulting company in Russia. As of May 2024, the geography of NEO Center projects covers 5 CIS countries and 77 regions of Russia. The company has completed more than 90 infrastructure and 190 industrial projects, 200 projects in the agricultural sector and more than 400 development projects.

source = AO "NET Center"
NEO Center Office

Earlier, NEO Center used a foreign project accounting system with limited functionality. Existing system did not meet the growing needs of the company and did not provide the required level of automation of project management processes, accounting for financial data and interaction with customers. Difficulties arose with the support and development of the foreign system in the current conditions. This led to the need to switch to a more modern and functional information system that can effectively support project activities.

After analyzing the options for typical solutions for project management, NEO Center decided on the solution "1C:PM Project Management KORP." This product was chosen due to the flexibility of configuration, wide functionality and the ability to integrate with other 1C products that have already been used in the company. In addition, the solution meets the requirements of Russian law and supports operation on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, which ensures the stability and safety of the system.

To implement the implementation tasks, the 1C-Rarus company was chosen. Joint Project Team "NEO Center" and "1S- Rarus "took up work on the project, taking into account all the features of the consulting business of the customer company and the requirements to effectively support project activities.

The project was completed in the shortest possible time. From the beginning of the survey to industrial operation, 6 months passed. The updated system was put into commercial operation with the simultaneous abandonment of the previous system, it was possible to avoid parallel accounting in two systems.

Key project results:

  • Eliminated dependence on foreign software to automate the main operational processes by 100%. The possibility of digitalization of the main and auxiliary processes of the company has been created.
  • Reduced system maintenance costs by 50%. Due to the built-in capabilities for updating and supporting products on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, as well as the thrifty adaptation of typical functionality, the system is supported by NEO Center.
  • Control over financial data of projects is optimized. The system provides a complete overview of the financial performance of projects, allowing you to quickly track expenses and revenues, as well as predict future financial results.
  • Document flow is 10% optimized. Due to the automation of the processes of preparation and coordination of documents and records on project activities, the time for processing project documentation has been reduced. This allows you to quickly make decisions and execute projects on schedule.
  • The implemented system covers all areas of the project management processes and customer relations: registration of interests, project initiation, project planning, project execution, control procedures, project closure. All this in complex creates a platform for the development of digitalization of activities and forms reserves for optimizing labor productivity and efficiency of the company.
  • The implementation project 1C:PM KORP project management in NEO Center covered more than 50 jobs and affected all divisions of the organization. The 1C:PM system KOP project management is integrated with the existing information systems of the company: 1C: Payroll and HR Management, 1C: Accounting, 1C: Document Flow.

NEO Center, in cooperation with 1C-Rarus, implemented a project for the transition to a domestic enterprise management system and a specialized project management solution 1C:PM KORP Project Management. This step was important in strengthening the stability of our business and optimizing enterprise management. The implementation of the solution made it possible to optimize control over financial information of projects, which had a positive impact on our operational efficiency. It is also worth noting that the implementation of this system has had a positive effect on other indicators, such as resource management and workflow optimization. Thanks to consultations and high-quality support from the 1C-Rarus team, our employees not only quickly mastered the system, but also fully realized its benefits and effectiveness. They saw how the system helps optimize workflows and overall performance. We are pleased with the results and plan to continue our cooperation. Moreover, we are considering the possibility of further automation of our processes.

told Alexander Myakushev, head of the information technology service "NEO Center"