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"First Bit" introduced the system "1C: Document flow" for the medical center "Philosophy of beauty and health"

Customers: Philosophy of Beauty and Health

Perm; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Contractors: First Bit
Product: 1C: Document Flow 8

Project date: 2023/10  - 2024/04

2024: Implementation of "1C: Document Flow "

The integrator of effective IT solutions First Bit"" implemented the system 1C: Document Flow"" for the medical center. Philosophy of Beauty and Health"" This made it possible to simplify the process of coordinating spending and speed up the execution of memos. This was announced First Bit by "" on May 20, 2024.

The Medical Center "Philosophy of Beauty and Health" has long collaborated with the First Beat and uses the solutions "BIT. Management of the Medical Center" and "1C: Payroll and HR Management" in its work. However, the clinic did not have an electronic accounting system for applications related to financial costs. Employees agreed on large expenses on paper, which slowed down the work of the medical center.

The network of clinics wanted to simplify the coordination of spending and speed up the passage of memos. The team of the IT integrator "First Bit" proposed to implement the solution "1C: Document flow."

As a result, employees had the opportunity to form, send and agree on contracts and memos. Now, when employees plan to purchase or request payment for services, a memo is formed in 1C: Document Flow. It displays the amount, the activity type, the person responsible, and the employee who made the request for payment.

Next, the system automatically checks the amount from each note. Large expenses are sent to the general director for approval, and small expenses, immediately after the approval of the planning and economic department, are transferred to payment to the accounting department. At the same time, employees do not have to access the system every time to perform work tasks. You can get acquainted with the documents through e-mail.

The integration of the document management system with the MIS (medical information system) has simplified the work with documents. In addition, we have opened up prospects for the development of systems for joint work and automation of routine processes in different departments of the medical center. Thanks to the team of specialists of the company "First Bit" - thanks to their professionalism, the project has achieved all its goals. We value our partnership and plan to continue working together to ensure that the Philosophy of Beauty and Health keeps pace with the times, becomes more efficient and provides customers with the highest quality service, "said Roman Bekmansurov, Operations Director of the Philosophy of Beauty and Health Medical Center.

Thanks to the open code of the program, the internal IT service of the medical center can independently configure the necessary functions. In the future, the integrated 1C: Document Flow will allow you to automatically form contracts for the execution, payment and receipt of VHI policies, quickly appoint those responsible for tasks and reassign them during the period of leave of employees.

The marketing department also received new prospects. Through 1C: Document Flow, you can agree on discounts and promotions, and after they are held, a full-time marketer will be able to display analytics and statistics on new customers from BIT. Management of the medical center in a separate report.