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NDBC implemented a dealer's personal account for BMI Russia based on BPMSoft

Customers: Villaco (BMI Russia)

Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials

Product: BPMSoft

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Creation of a B2B portal for dealing with a dealer network

BMI Russia automated the dealer network management and customer interaction system based on the domestic low-code platform BPMSoft from the company "." BMCoft The project was implemented system integrator NDBC by experts, who announced this on June 18, 2024.

As part of the strategy to strengthen its position in the Russian roofing market, BMI Russia decided to create a B2B portal for working with a dealer network. The service is designed to automate in a single information environment the entire process of interaction with customers: from the formation of a need for products to the delivery of a finished batch to customer sites.

To select the platform, the BMI Russia and NDBC design teams conducted a detailed analysis of the portal solutions on the market. The low-code BPMSoft platform was chosen as the most fully meeting the customer's requirements for the functionality, fault tolerance and integration capabilities of CRM.

As part of the project to create a B2B portal, the BPMSoft solution was integrated with the ERP system, which made it possible to implement the entire end-to-end process chain - order creation, approval, launch into production, supply and payment - in a single loop. The introduction of the new CRM solution significantly increased the efficiency of processing dealer orders, reduced the number of errors, and significantly increased the speed of communication between dealers and BMI Russia.

Thanks to the BPMSoft platform, BMI dealers can now quickly form and coordinate customer orders online, accurately schedule delivery dates based on current inventory balances, production dates for finished products, and monitor the progress of the order. The entire history of interaction with customers is reflected in a single digital profile of the dealer.

Colleagues at NDBC offered several solution options and we settled on BPMSoft. The platform is integrated with our existing ERP system, which allows it to become a single platform for the work of dealers and managers of our company. Thanks to low-code technologies, the portal provides all the necessary capabilities for configuration without development. As a result, our dealers can form orders, negotiate milestones and additional delivery terms, see order history, and receive one-click updates - that's what our customers expect us to do today,
said Mikhail Yerikhov, CFO of BMI Russia.

As a result of the joint coordinated work of us as an integrator company, a client represented by BMI Russia and a vendor represented by BPMSoft, it was possible to build the basis of electronic interaction for the BMI Russia dealer ecosystem,
noted Mikhail Koveshnikov, Director of Support and Development of NDBC IT Services.

Our cooperation with BMI Russia and NDBC has become an excellent example of how modern low-code technologies can transform business processes. The BPMSoft platform made it possible to create a convenient and functional dealership portal that significantly improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. We are pleased that our solution helps BMI Russia maintain high service standards and maintain leadership in the market,
told Maxim Ilyukhin, director of sales for corporate clients BPMSoft.