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Advanced Technology moved to "AspectPlan"

Customers: Advanced Technology

Moscow; Information Technology

Contractors: Norbitol
Product: Norbit: AspectPlan

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05
Number of licenses: 25

2024: Implementation of "AspectPlan"

A company Advanced Technology specializing in sales and implementation ON has chosen a system from AspectPlan. Norbitol This solution will simplify workflow management and reduce labor inefficiency costs. This was LANIT announced on June 19, 2024.

Advanced Technology's business and team has grown significantly over the past few years. The standard tools for time management could no longer provide the necessary level of efficiency and control. It was decided to introduce new ones - for the production unit, technical support service and company management. Based on the results of collecting requirements and analyzing products on the market, we settled on the AspectPlan business application, which met most of the customer's expectations.

NORBIT experts formed methodological recommendations for the implementation of the planning process and trained users. The implementation took only a week. As of June 2024, 25 people work in the system. The transition to this software made it possible to balance the distribution of resources in three departments.

Managers now have the ability to adaptively adjust the workload of employees in real time for certain activities, divide tasks by day and hour, and quickly upload reports. Planning processes are unified for all departments, each of which can quickly and flexibly coordinate specialist schedules, taking into account business objectives, labor laws and internal regulations.

We received a convenient, simple domestic solution with the functionality we need, which complements Bitrix24. It is useful for everyone in the team. The manager sees the entire contour of reporting in a couple of clicks - for employees and projects, and the performer better manages his schedule, plans working hours in different horizons. All this in a visual format that can be customized personally,
said Andrey Pryadein, CEO of Advanced Technology.

The project was the first implementation of AspectPlan. We brought the system to market in early April. There are many tasks ahead - regular updates, we will refine existing tools and expand opportunities in accordance with the requests of our customers, add integrations with our other products,
noted Artem Kuleshov, Director of Business Development at NORBIT.