Since 2020
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
121205, vn. ter. g. Mozhaisky municipal district, ter. Skolkovo Innovation Center, st. Sikorsky, d. 11
Alexey Nikolaevich Cheremisin - 65% Evgeny Dmitrievich Shilov - 35%
2024: Foreign Market Entry Plan
Russian startup LABADVANCE, specializing in microfluidic research for, oil industry is reaching the international level: the company intends to open a laboratory abroad. The company announced this on June 19, 2024.
We see great demand for our competencies in the oil and gas industry in the Middle East, this is a promising market for microfluidic technology. For June 2024, we are considering the possibility of opening a subsidiary and a research laboratory in one of the Gulf countries, - said the co-founder of the startup Yevgeny Shilov. |
The company was founded in 2020 by employees Skoltech - graduate student Evgeny Shilov and Professor Alexei Cheremisin: they received support through the STRIP program from Skoltech, and subsequently bought out patent to a high pressure and temperature microfluidic platform. In 2022, LABADVANCE attracted the first investment from the industry venture capital fund "," and in New Industry 2023 passed the acceleration program "Destination Deep Tech" at KAUST University in. Saudi Arabia
Microfluidic laboratory tests are tens of times faster and many times cheaper than traditional ones. These technologies allow you to work with a very small volume of liquid and perform controlled experiments in a confined space on microfluidic chips - composite devices made of thin silicon plates and borosilicate glass. Fluids - oil or gas - are pumped inside the channels of such chips at high pressure and temperature, and the researcher has the ability to optically observe the processes that occur inside.
That is, we have greatly reduced the physical scale of laboratory research, which is usually carried out in the oil and gas industry. If earlier a formation sample of oil with a volume of 1.5 liters could be required to analyze the indicators, which is a very expensive enterprise, then we can conduct experiments with a volume of less than 50 ml, - explained the founder of the startup Yevgeny Shilov. |
Thanks to the high pressure and temperature microfluidics, it is possible to quickly assess the efficiency of fluid interaction in a porous medium, measure the coverage coefficient and oil displacement coefficient using various chemical and gas agents. The technology makes it possible to quickly determine the PVT properties (pressure-volume-temperature) of formation fluids for oil and gas fields, experimentally select the optimal parameters of hydraulic fracturing of the formation and methods of increasing oil recovery.
The creators of LABADVANCE do not plan to completely reload the business and see great potential for development within Russia.
In Russia, there is a resource to develop the company, there is a team with which it is pleasant to work, there are partners with whom very respectable relations have been built. Microelectronic production is needed to make chips, and although not everything is simple in our country, we have partners who make unique microfluidic chips even better than foreign counterparts. We are very proud that Russia is capable of making such devices, and we are developing a unique technology and introducing it into the perimeters of Russian companies, the startup emphasized. |