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A cooperation agreement was signed to create an ecosystem of software products and hardware solutions for the digitalization of the world-class Intercollegiate Campus "The Future of Parma"

Customers: Directorate of Intercollegiate Campus Future of Parma

Perm; Education and Science

Contractors: Sitronics
Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/06

2024: Signing a cooperation agreement to create, implement and develop an ecosystem of software products and hardware solutions for digitalization

On June 18, 2024, it became known that Sitronics Group, GAU "Directorate of the World-Class Intercollegiate Campus" Future of Parma, "concessionaire" Parma Campus "and the Ministry of Information Development and Communications of the Perm Territory signed an agreement under which they agreed on cooperation in order to create, implement and develop an ecosystem of software products and hardware solutions for the digitalization of the world-class Intercollegiate Campus "The Future of Parma."

As reported, it was this campus that was chosen as a pilot platform on which the most optimal solutions for education and extracurricular student activities will be implemented, which, as a result of use, will be proposed as reference for inclusion in the updated Standard of innovative educational environment (campuses). According to Rustem Dautov, Director of the Budget Investment Department of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the department continues to work on the creation of a regulatory framework that determines the parameters of the digital environment on world-class campuses, starting in 2022, and by June 2024 came close to creating the Digital Campus standard. The digital technologies being implemented should cover all aspects of the use of campus territory - for educational activities, scientific work, as well as in terms of operation and safety.

Sitronics Group acts as a technological partner in the project of digitalization of the campus in the Perm Territory and a number of other regions of the country. Our portfolio already has a set of digital solutions for the modern innovative educational environment. To identify demanded technologies, our specialists analyzed the concepts of 20 leading campuses in the world. We also continue to work on finding other solutions. In Perm, joint work was organized with regional authorities, the campus management, the concessionaire and eight beneficiary universities. The received proposals were collected into a list of digital services, a comprehensive architecture was formed that covers all aspects of the life of campus beneficiaries.

told Nikolai Pozhidaev, President of Sitronics Group

Digitalization will take a special place on campus. Here they will train specialists at the intersection of medicine, biomechanics, mathematics, information technology to create highly qualified personnel for digital medicine. The special place will be taken by industrial robotics, ALS design, the creation and use of digital twins in mechanical engineering, digital engineering of energy and resource-saving processes of oil refining and oil and gas chemistry and other areas.

{{quote 'author
= commented Alan Bugulov, CEO of Reference Concessions (Managing Parma Campus Organization)|The creation of a world-class intercollegiate campus "The Future of Parma" is reaching the next level in technology scientific centers of Russia content. Perm campus, one of four projects implemented by Reference Concessions. Also financing Sberbank at, as well as the implementation of projects in Tyumen, Arkhangelsk and. As To Ufa part of the concession agreements, it is planned to design, build and operate modern campuses, the terms of the agreements are from 22 to 25 years.}}

{{quote 'author
= explained Dmitry Krasilnikov, Head of the Campus Directorate "The Future of Parma"|Perm Intercollegiate Campus "The Future of Parma," includes a large number of beneficiary universities. Eight universities, the REC "Rational Subsoil Use," the Center of Competence "Photonik" and scientific institutes. Naturally, all beneficiaries of our campus have different levels of digital maturity, and the requirements of the founders differ, so We are faced with a serious challenge to create an efficient and convenient system of intercollegiate communication on campus.}}

Intercollegiate campuses are being built as part of the federal Science and Universities project. According to it, in the next ten years, 40 innovative educational spaces should appear in different regions of Russia on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation. Sitronics Group for June 2024 acts as a technological partner for the digitalization of campuses in four projects - in Perm, Tyumen, Arkhangelsk and Ufa.

Parma's Future campus is due to open to residents in 2027. It will be built in the Kama Valley on the street. Marshal Zhukov. A hotel complex will appear on the territory, which will be able to accommodate more than five thousand students and teachers, educational and laboratory spaces and a technopark. Also, a unified information environment will be created on the campus, services for education, scientific activities and student life will be introduced. Thus, among the solutions there will be services for solving such problems as managing the general schedule of the campus, collective use of scientific equipment, an innovation exchange to increase the commercialization of resident development, an interactive navigation system, application service, centralized and secure management of campus content, "campus ID" for unified access, etc. Engineering and safety systems will be managed from the campus situation center.