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Developers: Roselectronics (Russian Electronics)
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2024

2024: Product Release

On June 19, 2024, Rostec announced the release of a new monitoring system capable of tracking the enemy outside the radio horizon. This important achievement of the Russian radio engineering industry became possible thanks to the efforts of the Roselectronics holding.

According to the press service of the state corporation, the monitoring system is designed to detect sources of radio emission of enemy objects, including electronic warfare equipment. New equipment can be installed on both stationary and mobile carriers, such as ships, wheeled and tracked equipment.

source = Rostec
Rostec "announced the release of a new monitoring system capable of tracking the enemy outside the radio horizon

The apparatus allows surveillance in the 360-degree sector, providing high efficiency in a modern battlefield. The radio monitoring system, created on the basis of domestic technologies, guarantees reliable operation in the most difficult conditions. According to representatives of Roselectronics, the ChVA-001-04RP-E is unique and surpasses foreign counterparts in many technical characteristics.

The capabilities of the complex allow you to detect and analyze signals with a complex frequency-time structure, locate radio emission sources and record them on an electronic map. The use of a modern component base and advanced solutions in the field of signal processing has increased the detection range of radio sources. And the universal design allows you to use the complex on stationary and mobile media, - said Sergey Skorykh, General Director of the Vector Research Institute (which is the direct developer of the system).

The equipment can operate in frequencies from 300 MHz to 18 GHz with a simultaneous viewing band of 500 MHz. The mobile antenna allows observation in a 360-degree sector.