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LIS qMS implemented at the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology

Customers: Endocrinological Research Center of Rosmedtechnologies (FSBI National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology)

Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Contractors: SP.ARM
Product: LIS qMS

Project date: 2024/04  - 2024/07

2024: LIS qMS implementation

State the scientific center of the Russian Federation "National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia switched to a laboratory information system qMS developed by the company. SP.ARM The introduction of the system made it possible to to medical institution optimize the work of the Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory, as an inter-institutional structural unit of the Center, in real time to obtain the results of studies in a structured form, timely inform clinicians and researchers about critical indicators. Also, specialists have access to the functions of forming the SAMD "Laboratory Research Protocol" and referring to storage to KDL biomaterials, Quality Control, Biological Material Rejection Log, and Check-up Signal Mark. This was announced on July 2, 2024 by representatives of St.ARM.

As reported, the State Research Center of the Russian Federation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia is a world-class medical and diagnostic, research and educational complex of the endocrinological profile. ENC accumulates modern achievements of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of fundamental and clinical endocrinology, modern technologies and methods, conducts clinical trials of medical devices and drugs as an expert center, coordinates the activities of regional endocrinological centers.

"National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology" is a medical institution and a leading organization in the CIS for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathologies. Specialists of related specialties also consult and conduct treatment at the Center. Every year, the ENC receives more than 100,000 patients. The clinical and diagnostic laboratory of the Center performs 3000-3500 studies every day.

Earlier, the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology used the laboratory information system of another developer. Migration to the updated system was required due to the need to organize the work of all departments of the Center in a single information space and transition to import-independent technologies. The management of the medical institution made a choice in favor of LIS qMS on a competitive basis, taking into account a number of system capabilities. Including the fact that the LIS works as part of the qMS medical information system, which the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology has been using since 2015.

LIS qMS is a fully functional integrated laboratory information system. It provides automation of technological processes of a modern laboratory, support for all types of laboratory research and integration with laboratory equipment.

In April 2024, the Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology switched to LIS qMS. SP.ARM specialists connected 15 analyzers and the FlexLab track system to the system. The results of laboratory tests from them are automatically transmitted to the LIS and are available to doctors in the qMS medical information system.

Before the start of implementation, SP.ARM specialists conducted face-to-face and remote training of employees of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, which showed all the capabilities of the system and analyzed possible working scenarios for departments. Combining MIS and LIS qMS into a single fully functional solution made it possible to optimize the transfer of research results both to MIS and to federal services for uploading data into electronic patient records. The laboratory gained access to up-to-date patient information, fees, medical records and patient diagnoses. It also became possible to form the SAMD "Laboratory Research Protocol" and sign documents with an electronic digital signature.

LIS qMS allows evaluating the results of clinical laboratory diagnostics by a doctor using clinical data of the patient: diagnoses, history, medical records, drug therapy, dynamics of accumulated results. And also automatically notify the attending physician in case of critical results, maintain internal and external quality control in the LIS, the log of rejected samples, the biomaterial storage, and monitoring of implementation laboratory tests, compile various reports.

The SP.ARM team has set up the system taking into account the peculiarities of the work of all departments of the laboratory and individual requests of employees. Additional options for sample labeling and integrated programs were added, allowing for ordering and tracking of patient laboratory sample data. Additional printed forms of response forms have been created in accordance with the wishes of the head of the laboratory. A convenient storage system made it possible to archive laboratory samples and speed up the search for the necessary test tubes.

The preliminary configuration of the base, full technical readiness on the part of the customer's laboratory, support for the Information Technology Department of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology and attention from the Center's management helped us to transfer the medical facility to the LIS qMS on time, introduce additional functions in a short time and seamlessly. During the connection to the updated system, the activities of clinical units were not limited, and all research results were issued without delay.

commented on Natalya Golikova, Project Manager of Laboratory Information Systems SP.ARM

{{quote 'author
= noted Larisa Nikankina, Head of the Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation, Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "In addition to standard functionalities, it was important for us to see up-to-date information about patients, data on payment for services. A fully functional qMS solution allows us to work in a single environment with other departments of the Center. Full access to medical records in medical records allows you to issue correct data and inform doctors about patient-critical indicators. The main part of the work on setting up LIS and connecting equipment was undertaken by the SP.ARM team, everything was done quickly and efficiently, while not a single important detail was missed. Employees SP.ARMs were very attentive to all requests and wishes, readily answered questions, and the problems that arose were solved very quickly. By migrating to an updated system, we have the opportunity to use the additional tools required in the laboratory.}}