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Endocrinological Research Center of Rosmedtekhnologii, Federal State Budgetary Institution of National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology



+ Government of the Russian Federation

FSU "Endocrinological Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation" is a multidisciplinary institution that includes polyclinic, inpatient, paraclinical (inter-institutional and medical-auxiliary) departments, as well as scientific and administrative divisions.

The main directions of the institution's work are the study and treatment of diseases of the glands of internal secretion (endocrine diseases), their influence on the complex of other organs and systems of the human body.

The endocrinological research center is unique, leading Russia countries CIS in and research, clinical and pedagogical complex of endocrinological profile.


Structure of the institution and governing bodies for April 2022:

  • Directorate of the Center
  • Institute of Clinical Endocrinology
  • Institute of Diabetes
  • Institute of Pediatric Endocrinology
  • Institute of Reproductive Endocrinology
  • Institute of Oncoendocrinology
  • Institute for Personalized Medicine
  • Institute of Higher and Further Vocational Education
  • Interinstitut subdivisions
  • Case Management
  • Administrative divisions



Innovative technology for the treatment of arrhythmias without X-ray introduced in Russia

The State Scientific Center "National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia in the Department of Surgical Treatment of Complex Heart Rhythm Disorders and Electrocardiostimulation introduced the technology of surgical treatment of arrhythmias without X-rays. The press service of the institution announced this in September 2023. Read more here.

Construction of a hostel for doctors for 500 million rubles

On the territory of the National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology in the south-west of Moscow, a hotel-type hostel building was commissioned. About this in early May 2023, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Planning Policy and Construction Andrei Bochkarev.

According to him, the total area of ​ ​ the built building is almost 5 thousand square meters. meters. Bochkarev clarified that a hotel-type hostel with a unit for training medical personnel was located in the northeastern part of the territory of the National Medical Research Center on Dmitry Ulyanov Street. The peculiarity of this project of the deputy mayor called the "green" roof with a lawn and small trees in tubs.

National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology

The head of the Department of Urban Planning Policy Sergey Lyovkin noted that in a six-story building with an underground floor, in addition to residential rooms and kitchens, there are: a lobby, recreation areas, administrative premises and a buffet. The hostel is designed for 123 people.

On the fifth and sixth floors there will be classrooms, computer classrooms, teacher's offices, a transformable hall and other premises, - he explained.

The hostel and building No. 3 of the Center for Endocrinology connected the underground and above-ground passages. The project was implemented at the expense of the federal budget. The design and construction of the hostel was carried out by Giprocon.Co. According to the procurement documentation referred to by the publication "Medical Bulletin," the cost of building construction exceeded 493 million rubles. In addition, more than 45 million rubles. was spent on design, more than 2 million rubles - on construction control, 2.7 million rubles - on the purchase of furniture. 1.2 million rubles were allocated for landscaping and landscaping of the building.[1]


Allocation by the Government of the Russian Federation of 6 billion rubles for the reconstruction of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology

Over 6 billion rubles will be allocated in the coming years for the reconstruction of the National Medical Research Center (NMITs) of endocrinology, which is located in Moscow. The corresponding order (No. 867-r) was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the Russian Government said in a statement on April 16, 2022.

Over 6 billion rubles will be allocated for the reconstruction of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology
Photo: Nyura Sharikova,

The reconstruction involves the modernization of one of the existing buildings and the construction of a new one. It is assumed that after the completion of the work, the Institute of Personalized Medicine, which is part of the National Medical Research Center, will be located here. In the updated buildings there will be a consultative and diagnostic center with the offices of an endocrinologist, oncologist, immunologist, genetics, a research unit with various laboratories, as well as an experimental and production department. The reconstruction is scheduled to be completed in 2027.

As noted, the decision is aimed at increasing the availability of medical care and the development of personalized medicine based on prevention, risk prediction and targeted therapy. Among the main areas of personalized medicine are predicting the likelihood of the occurrence of a disease based on the patient's genomic data, diagnosing the disease and choosing treatment tactics taking into account individual indicators.

Plan for the reorganization of three reference centers into a single expert center

Three reference centers of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology - pathomorphological studies, radiation diagnostics, genetic and hormonal studies - will be reorganized into a single expert center (EEC). This was reported on April 15, 2022 at the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology.

According to Natalia Mokrysheva, director of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, the association will make routing of patients with endocrinopathies more optimal, radically increase the diagnostic potential in the field of treatment and prevention of metabolic disorders, diseases of endocrine organs.

As part of the creation of the EEC, a unified laboratory information system (ELIS) will be created in the reference center for pathomorphological research, designed to provide quick access to digitized histological preparations and photographs of macro-preparations for each case. Subsequently, other reference centers of the National Medical Research Center will be connected to the ELIS.

The report notes that the issue of structuring the laboratory complex and its integration with other diagnostic areas, including radiation and radionuclide diagnostics, has gained priority in connection with, that in the structure of the Institute of Personalized Medicine, which recently received the status of a national center of world level, operate, in addition to the department of pathomorphology with the biobanking and cryopreservation service, genetics laboratories, metabolomics and cellular technologies, as well as planned to open a general laboratory, molecular and population genetics, bioinformatics, pharmacogenomics, microbiota, genome editing, mathematical, digital and invasive technologies for the diagnosis of endocrinopathies, cellular technologies, artificial intelligence, and an unparalleled laboratory of metabolic imaging and radioterantics.[2]

State Science Center Designation Plan

It is planned to assign the status of a state scientific center to the National Medical Research Center (NMIC) of endocrinology of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The corresponding draft government decree was submitted by the department for public discussion and anti-corruption examination on the portal on March 14, 2022.

The initiative came from the President, the Russia Vladimir Putin explanatory note to the document says.

The assignment of the status of the State Research Center will not require additional federal budget expenditures, but will allow the National Medical Research Center to receive property and land tax benefits at the expense of the Moscow budget. Already in 2022, this will save about 162 million rubles.[3]


Establishment of Telemedicine Services Group

In 2017, the Center created an inter-institutional unit "Telemedicine Services Group." Telemedicine capabilities allow doctors from different cities and countries to interact in real time. This is advisory assistance for difficult operations, a consultation of specialists, a request for expert opinion. The main task of the working group is to provide advisory assistance in endocrinology and pediatric endocrinology in a doctor-doctor mode. On a secure communication channel, ENC doctors advise regional colleagues on difficult clinical situations.

Allocation of the Department of Diabetology and Dietetics at the Institute of Higher and Additional Professional Education

In 2017, at the Institute of Higher and Additional Professional, formations which was formed in the structure of the Center in September 2016, a department of dietetics was allocated diabetology under the leadership of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Marina Vladimirovna Shestakova. The departments of the Institute are actively working to create and implement innovative approaches medical education to and carry out all types of additional vocational education.

Opening of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine

In 2017, the Institute of Reproductive Medicine was opened at the Endocrinological Scientific Center. The Center has accumulated exclusive experience in the treatment (including operative) of the most severe combined gynecological and endocrine diseases, all the necessary conditions have been created for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility using the latest achievements. Specialists of the Institute perform the whole range of examinations of female and male reproductive health, outpatient and inpatient treatment.

Becoming a National Centre

In 2017, the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Endocrinological na­uchnyy Center" of the Ministry of Health of Russia received the honorary status of the National Center and was included in a number of 20 unique medical issledova­telskikh (scientific and practical) centers of Russia. The main tasks of the National Center for Endocrinology are the organization of medical care in the profile of "endocrinology," interaction with the Ministry of Health of Russia on the issues of drug provision and regulation of the circulation of medical devices, the development of measures for the strategic development of health care in the profile of "endocrinology," training of medical personnel, analysis and assessment of the quality of scientific and practical research and development in the Russian Federation.


Organization of the Federal Diabetological Service Center of the Russian Federation

In 2016, the Federal Center for Diabetology Service of the Russian Federation was organized on the basis of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology. For the first time, the Center began work on the creation of the State Register of Diabetes Patients, which allows you to monitor and predict the development of diabetes in Russia. These tasks are carried out by the Department of Epidemiology and the State Register of Diabetes Mellitus.

The center organized a genetics laboratory, the tasks of which are to identify molecular genetic defects that lead to the development of various endocrinopathies. It is possible to determine the individual risk of getting type 1 diabetes, especially in high-risk groups, for example, in families in which one parent or child has diabetes. This makes it possible to plan a family on a qualitatively new basis, actually determine the risk of developing diabetes mellitus in various ethnic groups of Russia and, therefore, plan financial costs for the medical and social rehabilitation of a particular ethnic group. Molecular genetic studies also open the prospect of predicting the development of late complications of diabetes mellitus.

Opening of the Institute for Personalized Endocrinology

2016 was marked by the opening of the Institute of Personalized Endocrinology at the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, based on the close integration of long-established Institutes: diabetes, clinical endocrinology, pediatric endocrinology, reproductive medicine and combining both researchers and clinicians to introduce the most important innovative methods of prevention and treatment of endocrine diseases.


The historical date of the foundation of the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology is 1922, when, at the initiative of the founder of domestic endocrinology, Professor Vasily Dmitrievich Shervinsky, the Institute of Organ Preparations and Organ Therapy was formed, which in 1925 was reorganized into the State Institute of Experimental Endocrinology of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR (GIEE).
