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Federal Treasury finds Yadro DSS contractor for 0.5 billion rubles to switch from Oracle to PostgreSQL

Customers: Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Moscow; State and social structures

Contractors: KNS Group

Project date: 2024/07
Project's budget: 492.7 million руб.

Federal Treasury of Russia signed a contract for the supply of memory modules for storage systems () DSS Yadro Tatlin.Unifiedна in the amount of ₽492,7 million. This became known in July 2024. The winner of the tender was the company "Infocel," specializing in the integration of IT solutions. This equipment is necessary for the implementation of the project for the transition the AmericanDBMS Oracle from domestic. PostgreSQL

According to the Federal Treasury, the purchase of equipment is carried out in two stages. The first batch of goods has already been delivered and installed in the data center (DPC) of the department. Delivery of the second batch is scheduled for 2025. A total of four memory modules were purchased, each of which includes two 737 TB DAEs. This expansion will increase Treasury DSS capacity by almost 3 PB (petabytes).

Federal Treasury finds Yadro DSS contractor for 0.5 billion rubles to switch from Oracle to PostgreSQL

The process of switching to domestic software in the Federal Treasury began in May 2023. Then the department initiated work on the migration of the state information system on state and municipal payments (GIS GMP) from Oracle to Postgres Pro. ₽111 million was allocated for the implementation of this project, and the RT Labs company, known for its developments for the Public services portal, became the winner of the competition .

The Federal Treasury already in April 2020 acquired the rights to use Postgres Pro Enterprise for ₽650,1 million. This indicates the long-term strategy of the department to switch to domestic software.

Earlier, the Treasury also announced a tender for the purchase of licenses of a transaction information platform for accounting for transactions with funds received at the temporary disposal of recipients of budget funds. The amount of the contract amounted to ₽236 million. The purpose of this purchase was the import substitution of POOracle Financials Accounting Hub to the domestic Smart Vista platform from BPS Innovative Software Solutions, which also operates on the basis of the Postgres Pro DBMS.[1]
