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The Federal Treasury has completed a tender for the development of object storage for its GIS for 187.7 million rubles

Customers: Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Moscow; State and social structures

Product: Private Cloud от VK (ранее Private Cloud Enterprise)

Project date: 2024/07
Project's budget: 187.7 million руб.

The Federal Treasury of Russia has completed a tender for the development of an object storage facility for its state information systems (GIS) worth ₽187,7 million. This became known at the end of July 2024. The winner has been determined, but information about him has not yet been disclosed.

According to CNews, the purchase of software (software) is necessary for the department to maintain the life cycle of various information systems created and developed within the treasury, including the Electronic Budget system. The purchased software is designed to implement the second stage of the S3 object storage.

source = Website of the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation
The Federal Treasury has completed a tender for the development of object storage for its GIS for 187.7 million rubles

According to the terms of reference, the software must be compatible with existing storage based on Private Cloud Enterprise. It will be used to expand the current data storage infrastructure of the Federal Treasury.

Requirements for purchased software include support for x86/64 platform servers, high performance with at least two processors, and network interfaces with at least 10 GB/s bandwidth. In addition, the software must be compatible with the Linux operating system.

An important condition is the support of the REST API with the functionality of creating and removing buckets, working with objects and managing the data lifecycle. Each record must be stored in at least two copies to ensure high availability of information.

The Federal Treasury has been operating S3 storage for several years. With its help, an important stage was implemented to optimize the size of databases in state information systems operated by the department. In particular, client documents previously stored directly in the database were transferred to the S3 storage.

The term for the execution of the contract for the current purchase is set from September 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026. Financing of the project will be carried out at the expense of budgetary funds.[1][2]
