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Elevator Information Register

Developers: Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction)
Branches: Housing and communal services, services and household services,  Mechanical engineering and instrumentation,  Real estate

2024: Work to create a registry

The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia has begun to develop a digital register of information in the field of elevator services. This was announced in July 2024 by the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mikhailik at a meeting of the section "Digital Transformation of Construction and Housing and Communal Services" of the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the Federation Council.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, there is no systematic information about the state of the elevator economy in Russia. Mikhailik stressed that the federal executive authorities do not have complete data on the deterioration of elevators, the volume of their production and control methods.

source = Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation creates a digital register of elevators

The creation of a digital registry is designed to solve a number of important problems. First, it will increase the transparency of the elevator industry. Secondly, it will provide access to systematic information for all market participants: from regulatory authorities to manufacturers and end consumers.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation is considering various options for platforms for creating a register. According to Mikhailik, the future platform should be of a modular type, which will allow flexible configuration and expansion of its functionality.

The project to create a digital registry also discusses the possibility of introducing QR codes for elevators. Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation at DOM.RFNikolai Kozak proposed creating a digital double of each elevator. This will allow users, having scanned the QR code, to get information about the elevator manufacturer, the date of its manufacture and the last maintenance.

The introduction of such a system will not only increase the safety of citizens, but will also provide manufacturers with the opportunity to plan demand, maintenance and production of spare parts more efficiently.

The creation of a digital elevator registry is part of a broader strategy to digitalize urban infrastructure. According to the study of the ANO "Digital Economy," modern cities are becoming more comfortable for life thanks to the introduction of digital technologies. The most popular in cities are smart technologies in the fields of housing and communal services, transport and services.[1]
