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Desport automates distribution center in 4 months

Customers: Desport


Contractors: Axelot
Product: Axelot WMS X5
Second product: Datareon Platform

Project date: 2024/05  - 2024/09

2024: Automation of the distribution center

On August 14, 2024, AXELOT announced the automation of the Desport distribution center in just 4 months.

According to the company, in connection with the departure of Decathlon from the Russian market and the disconnection of the local branch from the global infrastructure, the management of the exclusive distributor Decathlon - Desport - decided to switch to an IT infrastructure based on Russian platforms.

Desport is a sporting product of global and Russian brands. As of August 2024, 35 stores of the retail chain operate in various cities of Russia. The range presented includes a variety of products for more than 60 sports.

Due to the departure of Decathlon from the Russian market and the disconnection of the local branch from the global infrastructure, the management of Desport (the exclusive distributor of Decathlon) decided to switch to an IT infrastructure based on domestic platforms. AXELOT WMS was chosen as the software solution, and AXELOT specialists were invited to implement the project. Since the modernization of the distribution center that will serve the stores had to be completed in a short time - in 4 months - in order to optimize the implementation of the project, it was decided to implement AXELOT WMS using standard implementation technology using the MVP concept (minimum viable product).

Standard implementation technology (TSV) is developed by AXELOT experts and is characterized by the ability to quickly achieve results and iterative optimization as part of the development of the system and post-design support. This technology allows you to implement standardized industry solutions with out-of-the-box functionality in a short time. This approach is applicable when the customer clearly understands the result that he wants to get and is ready to get involved in the joint work of project teams as much as possible.

In addition, TSV can only be used when implementing solutions that not only have advanced functionality in the "box," but also allow flexible parameterization. Such systems include AXELOT WMS - several thousand parameters and two configuration modes are available in it: simple and advanced. In a simple mode, the configuration of business processes goes without deepening into complex algorithms (for example, as part of the implementation of TSV), and the expanded mode implies a more subtle "manual" configuration using complex scenarios.

The customer implemented the enterprise information system in parallel with the launch of WMS. To configure the integration circuit, the solution of the Russian vendor - DATAREON Platform was used. Within the framework of the project, preference was given to import-independent technologies: Postgres SQL was chosen as the DBMS, and a Russian operating system based on Linux was installed on the WMS server. AXELOT WMS and DATAREON Platform solutions also use an import-independent technology stack.

With AXELOT WMS, the distribution center automates and optimizes the processes of goods acceptance, placement, storage, in-warehouse processing and shipment. Thanks to cooperation with AXELOT, the company was able to prepare warehouse logistics for the opening of outlets in a short time and not deviate from its own business development plans.