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HeadHunter automates customer experience with BPMSoft-based CRM platform

Customers: HeadHunter

Moscow; Internet services

Product: BPMSoft

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Implementation of BPMSoft

HeadHunter has automated major business processes, including sales and service management, document management and analytics tools in the CRM system based on the low-code BPMSoft platform. The introduction of a client solution developed by BMCoft (part of the LANSOFT IT holding) allowed HeadHunter to improve the quality of service and improve internal efficiency. BPMSoft announced this on September 5, 2024.

A key element of the system was the automation of B2B sales management, starting with the first contact, including cold calls and hot lead processing. The end-to-end process is implemented in a single window of the client manager, in which the entire interaction history is stored. In this CRM, there are employees of the welcome service, telephone sales department, personal managers, technical support and sales support managers involved in document management - more than 1000 people in total.

The system is configured to orchestrate incoming client calls in real time. Thanks to the built-in low-code tools of the BPMSoft platform, HeadHunter analysts have independently introduced a button for color coding of the activity of technical support employees into the system: green is ready for activity distribution, red is busy with other tasks.

The main integration of CRM is implemented with the site, where customers can leave a request through a web form or chat. The built-in lidogeneration tool allows you to automatically analyze customer behavior on the site and create tasks for managers. The CRM system BPMSoft is integrated with various data sources to automatically check customer information (annual revenue, number of employees and registration data).

In addition, the system supports integration with telephony and various mail services, which combines all communications in one interface. Automation has improved efficiency without increasing the cost of personnel while increasing the volume of tasks. Heads of departments independently create dashboards for themselves and their employees with various business indicators, which allows you to quickly manage the process and maintain a high level of service.

CRM also automates document management, including the creation and sighting of contracts. The use of automated printing plates and coordination tools has significantly reduced the time for preparing documents and increased their accuracy. All documentation is now generated automatically from data from CRM, eliminating errors and speeding up the reconciliation process. This allows HeadHunter managers to focus on developing customer relationships by delegating routine operations to the IT system.

CRM supports master contracts and other legally relevant documents, which is especially important for large customers with special requirements and many transactions. BPMSoft implements integration with the image text layer recognition system, and all documentation is stored in a centralized database, which provides a high level of control and transparency.

In the CRM platform based on BPMSoft, we were able to take work with customers to a qualitatively new level, automated a huge number of processes - from the first contacts to the processing of incoming documents. This helps us to support a high level of service and effectively manage our resources,
said Ivan Fedotov, CRM Technical Lead at