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Crossroads launched a pilot to equip its supermarkets with charging stations for electric vehicles

Customers: Crossroads Trading House

Moscow; Trade

Product: Comprehensive Engineering Systems Projects

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: EZS installation pilot

The Perekrestok retail chain has launched a pilot project to install fast charging stations PUNKT E for electric vehicles in the parking lots of its supermarkets. The first charges appeared in St. Petersburg at the addresses: Enlightenment Avenue, 37, st. Parachute, 46 and st. Karbysheva, 9. The retail chain announced this on September 9, 2024.

Charging stations have a power of 60 kW and are able to replenish the battery of an electric car to a level of 80% from 20 to 60 minutes. These charging stations are designed for electric vehicles with connectors for European, domestic and officially supplied models from China (with a CCS2 connector), as well as Japanese electric vehicles with a CHAdeMO connector. Drivers of electric vehicles with other connectors can be charged at these stations using their own adapters to one of the existing connectors.

In addition to the advantages of fast charging, electric charging stations (ESS) are convenient and easy to use. To start the charging session, the electric car driver just needs to select the necessary station connector in the PUNKT E mobile application and indicate the desired amount of electricity. The entire charging process can be monitored online.

The trend for using an electric car is obvious, because this type of transport is an excellent environmentally friendly replacement for cars with an internal combustion engine. We see the need not only for improving and expanding infrastructure, but also for greening transport. In the company's sustainable development strategy, we set ourselves a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including Scope3. The launch and scaling of the ESS installation project, in addition to increasing the level of mobility for owners of such cars, will reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, thanks to fast charging stations, customers can do two things at the same time in order to save time - make purchases and charge their electric car. Supporting the development of this kind of technology, together with our clients we take care of the planet, "said Alexander Chukhontsev, director of business support and efficiency at the Perekrestok retail chain.

As part of the pilot, by the end of 2024, the Perekrestok retail chain plans to install several more PUNKT E fast charging stations for electric vehicles with the Chinese charging standard (GB/T). These stations will be installed in St. Petersburg and the Moscow region.