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Баннер в шапке 2

Punkt E (Item E) formerly Tok Box, Current Box Mobility


Since 2021
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
117105, Varshavskoye shosse, 25A, p. 6, †. III, K. 122



2022: Expanding geography of presence to 14 regions

PUNKT E shared the results of 2022 on February 3, 2023.

The company has increased its network by more than 5 times and expanded its geographical footprint to 14 regions.

One of the key events of 2022 was the rebranding of the company, which ended in September. The updated name, ideology, corporate identity, logo and slogan became the logical result of the scaling of the brand and more fully and succinctly reflect its philosophy and tasks.

In 2022, more than 130 were put into operation, charging stations thus the total number of ESS of the network reached 165. The geography of the network has also expanded electric vehicle : you can now charge at PUNKT E stations in the 14 largest regions. And with the Russia opening of stations in and in December Vladimir , Cheboksary electric cars can freely travel along the route - MoscowKazan charging their electric car in large cities through which the Volga M7 route passes.

The launch of a mobile application for smartphones based on iOS and Android also made it possible to become even closer to the client. The new program is a convenient tool for finding a suitable station and controlling the charging session.

In addition to charging services, in 2022 PUNKT E launched a franchise allowing entrepreneurs to invest in charging infrastructure with the full support of our brand, platform and operations service.

In 2023, PUNKT E plans to develop both quantitatively and qualitatively. We plan an active geographical expansion of the network with access to new regions, network compaction in the current regions and ensuring interregional connectivity by installing charging stations on the routes. - said the managing director of the company Konstantin Alyabyev.