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CraftTalk Smart Chatbot Helps Pulse Improve Customer Experience

Customers: Pulse PK

Contractors: CraftTalk
Product: CraftTalk AI Customer Communication Platform

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: CraftTalk chatbot rollout

Intelligent chat boat from CraftTalk helps of the pharmaceutical company PULSE improve customer experience. CraftTalk announced this on September 9, 2024.

The company introduced communication into the work of a single contact center on the main Marketplaces - Ozon, Yandex.Market, Wildberries, etc.

An important place in the business of FC PULSE, a national pharmaceutical distributor, is occupied by online sales to the population. To serve customers, the company has its own call center Internet pharmacy

In the first part of the project, a chat bot from CraftTalk was built into the work on the website of the online pharmacy, social networks (VK, Odnoklassniki), instant messengers (Telegram and WhatsApp) and email. Bot has been trained on the company's knowledge base and continues to be continuously trained on current operator dialogues. Thanks to this, the AI assistant answers more than 75% of questions in all text channels in total.

In May 2024, FC PULSE decided to expand the action of the CraftTalk platform to interact with customers who prefer purchases on Russian marketplaces. Ozon was the first to be connected, then integration with Yandex.Market and Wildberries took place. All work on processing online orders in text channels goes through the CraftTalk platform. On average, more than 13 thousand dialogs per month are processed through the platform and the trend towards switching to text continues to grow. As of September 2024, text communication through channels through marketplaces occupies about 80% of dialogues in the work of the company's call center.

The decision to introduce the CraftTalk omnichannel text platform into the work of our call center was made at the end of 2023. We decided to work in a cloud platform to be able to systematically expand the scale of interaction without additional investment in infrastructure. The results of the transition meet our needs, we continue to expand the platforms and transmit more and more routine requests to AI bots, connecting operators to solving non-standard issues and individual consultations. "
said Evgeny Kedrov, Head of Client Support at FC PULSE.

We are grateful to FC PULSE for its comprehensive approach to working with digital channels. It was thanks to the task from them that we carried out full integration into our solution of leading domestic marketplaces. We continue with colleagues to monitor communication trends in test channels and their impact on improving customer experience,
noted Denis Petukhov, CEO of CraftTalk.