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Amethyst has completed a project to organize support for its clients based on the Altevics ESM system

Customers: Amethyst (

Moscow; Information technology

Product: Cleverics and GreenData: Altevics ESM System

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Implementation of Altevics

Amethyst Federal System Integrator completed a large-scale project to organize support for its customers based on the ESM system. Altevics The contractor was the company. Onellect This was Cleverics (Clovericks) announced on September 16, 2024.

Within the framework of the project, a convenient and intuitive client portal was created, which provides users with the ability to independently create and track requests. In the near future, the company plans to expand the functionality of the portal by creating a knowledge base and standard solutions, which will allow customers to even faster and better receive the necessary integrator support.

To ensure a high level of customer service, ITSM the Russian/ESM system Altevics from Cleverics was chosen GreenData and is the optimal solution that fully meets the technical specification. Incident and service request management based on service level agreements () was implemented SLA. Each client receives an individual level of support in accordance with the concluded contract, which allows you to take into account the specifics of different categories of users. System Integrator Amethyst has developed a flexible contract model, including VIP conditions for different types of users.

At the same time, we provide support to our customers for several projects, each of which has different requirements, processes, SLAs, and counterparties. Thanks to the flexibility of Altevics and the instant response to our wishes of both Onellect and Cleverics, we have implemented several independent external technical support loops, each of which is, in fact, a separate system with its own set of rules. In just a month and a half, we set up and adapted everything for our tasks and began to accept customer requests. It is very convenient that the final functionality and logic of Altevics correspond to the processes already available in the company, and we did not have to adjust any restrictions. - noted Andrey Altergot Deputy General Director for Business Development Amethyst.

Based on the methodological recommendations of Altevics developers, the procedure for distributing applications and the procedure for performing work were automated. The developed algorithms allow you to automatically direct each request to the most competent specialist or department. If necessary, subcontractors acting as third support lines may be involved in the process. A well-developed system for distinguishing access rights ensures that each employee has access only to the information that is necessary for his tasks.

One of the key stages of the project was the customization of the Altevics system to the requirements of the customer company. Changes were made to the user interface to improve the visual perception of the system and simplify the work of users. In addition, a notification system has been set up to quickly inform customers and employees about the progress of processing requests.

After completing the basic implementation work, the configuration database (CMDB) was completed and the configuration units were imported. This will enable the company to manage its IT services more effectively.

As a result of the project, the customer received a modern service management system that significantly improves the quality of customer service, reduces incident response time and optimizes internal processes.

As part of the implementation project, we not only set up and handed over the system to the customer, but also taught how to use key functionality, provided technological support, including deploying the system on the customer's servers, helped organize backups, and showed how to transfer functionality from the development environment to the productive environment. And also, being in very close interaction not only with the customer, but also with the vendor, they passed ideas on the development of the system into development, which will allow the client to get new functionality in product updates under the technical support contract - said Konstantin Bokolyar, technical director of Onellect.